Scientists evaluate depression drugs as an aid in the treatment of covid-19

Currently, in the United States, two research groups carry out clinical tests evaluating treatment with fluoxetine and fluvoxamine in patients with covid-19 – Photomontage: Jornal da USP
Ouse of a class of drugs already used to treat anxiety and depression disorders, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (fluoxetine and fluvoxamine), has been shown to have the potential to inhibit inflammation caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus and its replication, decreasing damage to the brain and other body tissues. Currently, two research groups carry out clinical tests evaluating treatment with fluoxetine and fluvoxamine in patients with covid-19, in the United States. The possibility is described in a review article by the Ribeirão Preto School of Dentistry (FORP) at USP published in the European Journal of Pharmacology .

“Serotonin is a molecule produced by neurons in the central nervous system and by cells in the intestine. It is involved in several functions of the body, from cardiovascular and intestinal regulation to the control of behavioral functions, mood and memory ”, reports Professor Luiz Guilherme Branco to the Jornal da USP , who coordinated the preparation of the article. “Serotonin reuptake inhibitors are drugs that block specific receptors in neurons and allow serotonin to remain available for longer and exercise its biological function as a neurotransmitter, that is, to communicate between neurons.”