Score Big with Florida-Grown Foods: The Perfect Tailgating Fare!

The college football season is here, and fans are enjoying the company of family and friends while tailgating before and after the game.

That means food – lots of it.

Tailgaters might think about eating some Florida-grown grub, University of Florida experts say. That includes potatoes, beef, citrus, avocados (who wants guac?), tomatoes and more.

Many of the ingredients coming from Florida farms were developed and refined through years of research by UF/IFAS plant breeders. Those include citrus, strawberries, tomatoes and sweet corn. UF/IFAS researchers have developed fan favorites including Tasti-Lee™ tomatoes, Brilliance™ strawberries and Sugar Belle™ mandarins, among many others.

“The UF/IFAS citrus breeding program is known worldwide for its work to develop new citrus varieties of all types, to support the future of the industry in Florida,” said Fred Gmitter, professor of citrus breeding and genetics at the UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center. “Why not start your tailgating day off right with a cool glass of nutrient-packed OJ at breakfast? And certainly, it would be great to have Florida-grown grapefruit in classic retro cocktails such as a Brown Derby or a Greyhound, as game time approaches, or to celebrate the outcome after the game.”