SDSU Welcomes James Frazee as Vice President for IT and Chief Information Officer

Following a nationwide search, San Diego State University President Adela de la Torre has announced that James Frazee has been appointed Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer.

Since December 2023, Frazee has served as Interim Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer. Prior to the interim role, Frazee held the title of Deputy Chief Information Officer and Senior Associate Vice President for Information Technology at SDSU.

“An award-winning information technology strategist, who has been part of our campus community for 25 years, Frazee is known for providing vision and leadership in support of technology services, active and immersive learning environments, pedagogical research, and learner-centered technologies,” said de la Torre.

In June, under Frazee’s leadership, SDSU, along with the Cyber Center of Excellence (CCOE), California State University San Marcos (CSUSM), and National University, was awarded $1 million from Google’s Cybersecurity Clinics Fund to establish the San Diego Cyber Clinic. This funding, from, is part of a $25 million collaboration with the Consortium of Cybersecurity Clinics. The new clinic will provide SDSU, CSUSM, and National University students with hands-on training in cybersecurity and AI, while also helping protect vulnerable organizations—such as local small businesses, hospitals, schools, water districts and energy grids—from cyberattacks.

“Over the last year, in the interim role, Frazee has worked with other university leaders, staff and faculty to ensure the ongoing security and reliability of technology infrastructure and systems, while simultaneously strengthening SDSU’s standing as a regional cybersecurity leader,” said de la Torre.

“I am incredibly honored and excited to become the permanent Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer at SDSU. I look forward to driving our OneIT initiatives forward, fostering an environment where technology and education intersect to create unparalleled opportunities for our students, faculty and staff,” said Frazee.

Frazee and his team also continue to lead the way in promoting equitable access and responsible, informed use of generative AI, providing innovative training and opportunities through the ‘Academic Applications of AI’ (AAAI) micro-credential. The program is now available across the CSU system. His team also created the Equitable AI Alliance, a consortium dedicated to advancing affordable and accessible generative AI.

Recently, Frazee was also named a finalist for the SoCal CIO ORBIE Awards in the “Large Enterprise” category. The award honors chief information officers who have demonstrated excellence in technology leadership. Asked about the honor, and what distinguishes his work, Frazee remarked, “Equity and inclusion are at the heart of everything we do, exemplified by the Empathy Lens initiative and the scholarly approach we’re taking through the Virtual Immersive Teaching and Learning (VITaL) Research Center, ensuring all community members have the opportunity to thrive.”

Frazee holds a bachelor’s degree in communication from the University of San Diego (USD). He also earned a master’s degree in educational technology from SDSU, and an Ed.D. in educational technology from a joint doctoral program between SDSU and USD.