Secretary ARI & Trainings conducts surprise inspection of DGS&OS, other offices

Places several employees under suspension for unauthorized absence from duties


JAMMU : In order to enforce strict discipline and punctually in Govt, offices, Secretary ARI & Trainings Department, Abdul Majid Bhat, along with Director Finance, Suresh Koul and Deputy Secretary, Noor Alam conducted surprise check in the office of the Director General Stationary and Office Supplies (DGS&OS), Jammu.

While checking the records and attendance of the, staff it was found that Tarsem Lal Statistical Assistant, Pardeep Kumar Jr. S/A and Raj Kumar orderly were found absent from duty.

The Secretary issued on spot directions for placing the three employees under suspension for unauthorized absence.

The Secretary also held another surprise check in the office of Assistant Director (Central) Stationary & office supplies where Laksh Verma orderly was found absent from duty. The absent orderly was also placed under suspension for being on unauthorized absence.

Later, the Secretary along with the team of officers also visited Government Ranbir Press, Jammu and reviewed the working and functioning of the Govt Press.

He directed the officers for bringing more effienciency and accountability while discharging their duties.

The Secretary issued on spot instructions for maintaining cleanliness of the office personal Hygiene and observance of all the SOPs issued by the Govt from time to time for containment of Covid-19 besides maintaining punctuality.