Session on Potential of Webcomics to Raise Awareness


Aligarh : The Discussion Group, which has a long history dating back to British India, organized a paper reading session on the potential of Webcomics to Raise Awareness about significant social issues. Presiding over the session, Prof. Asim Siddiqui, Chairperson, department of English lauded the research work presented in the session and remarked that the topic was relevant meriting further enquiry, as it had a fresh perspective on a popular medium used in the IT era.


Prof. Aysha Munira Rasheed, Coordinator, Discussion Group, Department of English, added that the accessibility of webcomics is what makes it most useful for sensitizing people towards the issues of mental health, racial and gender biases.


Dr. Darakhshan Zafar, Department of English, the discussant for the session, discussed the topic in detail and highlighted the double coding which webcomics employs


Earlier, Ms Sadiya Nasira Al-Faruqe, research scholar, presented a paper with illustrations from webcomics on PPT on the topic in which she highlighted that webcomics can be used to educate people in a way that can be both informative as well as entertaining.


Ms. Maryam Siddiqui, research scholar compered the proceedings. The program was attended by Prof. Nehal, Dr. Fauzia Faridi and scholars and students.