SKKU: Hyunhee Kim, professor of Theatre, received ‘Special Acting Award’ in 21st World Duo Performing Arts Festival
On November 28th (Sun), 2021, Hyunhee Kim, a professor of Theatre, received ‘Special Acting Award’ in the ‘21st World Duo Performing Festival’ presented by the organizing committee of duo performing festival and the Korean headquarters of International Theatre Institute(ITI).
The traditional , which celebrates its 21st anniversary this year, was held from October 31st (Sun) to November 21st (Sun) and 107 theater groups from 6 fields participated and competed at a theater in Seoul, where Professor Hyunhee Kim was selected and starred in the invitation project.
Professor Hyunhee Kim is recognized her delicate acting and won the ‘Special Acting Award’ by taking on a role of a middle-aged female who lost a child in <T빼고 다이> which is a work dealing with social issues such as diet, organ donation, life-prolonging treatment, and sexual minorities.
Professor Hyunhee Kim said “In the future, in order to educate with high sense of realism without separating education from the field, I would make further efforts to train talented individuals with practical education and to create new genre ‘Convergence physical drama’ by continuing the research of performance activities and stage movements.”