SKKU: SKKU and KIST signed a MOU for education/research cooperation

– Operates a system of academic-industry professor, develops a convergence curriculum, promotes collaboration in the field of education and research by establishing a joint research center

On November 22 (Mon), SKKU (President Dong-Ryeol Shin) has signed a MoU with the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST, President Seok-Jin Yoon) signed a MoU for academic-industry collaboration on academic-industry professor and convergence research at SKKU’s Humanities and Social Sciences Campus.

Two organizations plan to cooperate in various fields, including ▲ development and operation of the SKKU-KIST convergence education curriculum to foster talents in science and technology, ▲ operation of an academic-industry professor system which will promote the exchange of excellent research personnel, ▲KIST-SKKU Carbon-Neutral Research Center.

SKKU President Dong-Ryeol Shin said, “We are very excited to taking a big step in innovative research and fostering talented people by conducting joint convergence research projects and establishing and operating leading academic models in the field of cutting-edge new materials and energy-based research.”

KIST President Seok-Jin Yoon said, “In terms of carbon neutrality, a global topic, we hope that two institutions will be able to integrate and analyze excellent manpower and data through joint convergence research projects and cultivate excellent and differentiated talents.”