Smiling Tree partners with Hansraj College in University of Delhi to plant over thousand flowers


Smiling tree planted at Hansraj College over a thousand flowers. Petunia, gazania, nasturtium, marigold, alyssum, jafari, were few of the various varieties of flowers planted.

Dr Mukesh Kwatra said, “Smiling Tree has always been motivating everyone to plant trees or some flowering plants wherever possible. Every tree is a living legacy. Planting trees is certainly part of the solution to climate change, but there are other important factors also. To slow climate change, people need to do much more than just plant trees. We need to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions by transitioning to renewable energy sources, like solar and wind. A sustainable lifestyle is what is desired.”

Smiling Tree, has been carrying out Plantation Drives in and around Delhi-NCR and have thus far planted over six lakhs of saplings. They also conduct environment awareness events like Anti-Plastic Drives, Plogging events, green walks, campaigns in educational institutions to promote eco friendly way of living. They lay impetus on the three ‘R’s, ‘reduce, reuse, and recycle’. Reducing is about cutting back on the amount of waste generated. Reusing is finding a new way to use items so that we don’t have to throw them away. Recycling is using waste materials to make new products that can be used again. As we are saving resources and sending less trash to the landfills, it helps in reducing air and water pollution also. These steps also help to sustain the environment for future generations.