Solving environmental problems is a serious challenge to humanity

Students of the direction “History of International Relations” of the Institute of History, Political and Social Sciences under the leadership of O. M. Sherekhova discussed environmental problems.
The purpose of this meeting is to consider not only general facts about environmental problems of concern to all inhabitants of the planet, such as global warming, pollution of the atmosphere and water bodies, etc., but also to analyze these problems pointwise at the local levels of certain regions and states.

Thus, the students presented a report on the threat of disappearance of chocolate due to climate change in the regions where cocoa beans grow. The topic of the absence of snow in the Alps aroused interest. The student not only revealed the reasons for this phenomenon, but also talked about the developed alternatives proposed to eliminate the consequences of this problem.

A report was also presented on the depletion of the ozone layer over Antarctica and the measures taken by the world community to prevent a further increase in the ozone hole in this region.

The most relevant were the reports on nuclear disasters and their consequences at Fukushima and Chernobyl. The students learned the causes of the tragedies and discussed the measures taken to eliminate the two most terrible nuclear accidents, the echoes of which still worry the whole world. It was noted that it is almost impossible to revive normal life in the vicinity of disasters. In this regard, most of the former residents of these places have settled in other cities and are not going to return, even if this once the danger recedes.

Discussion of global problems, which are an objective factor in world development, remains an urgent issue in educational institutions, since only purposeful, concerted actions and the unification of efforts of most people can lead to their overcoming, students think.