SPbPU Holds Strategic Talks with Gansu Province Delegation

Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University hosted a meeting with a delegation from the Gansu Science and Technology Department, China. The International Cooperation Office of this department is a key governmental organization in the province, engaged in the development of plans and implementation of projects in the field of international scientific and technological cooperation. The delegation was led by Ms. Liu Yemei, Director of the Office of International Cooperation. Li Peng, Associate Professor at Lanzhou Jiaotong University, currently an intern at Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, also participated in the meeting.

Polytechnic University actively maintains partnerships with universities in China, including Lanzhou Jiaotong University, which is located in Lanzhou, the largest city and administrative center of the province. For example, a joint application on intelligent train control systems was submitted to the RNF-China competition in April 2024.

At the meeting with Dmitry Arseniev, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of SPbPU, the parties discussed the prospects for further cooperation.

During the meeting, various options for cooperation were proposed, including the development and implementation of joint scientific projects, establishment of a joint laboratory on intelligent control systems with Lanzhou Jiaotong University, and exchange of professors.

Ms. Liu Yemei made a report on the international activities of Gansu Province and the prospects of cooperation with Russia. Chinese colleagues will adhere to the concept of open cooperation and mutual benefit, propose to expand participation in the «One Belt, One Road» program, support exchanges, scientific cooperation and joint innovation of universities, research institutions, science and technology enterprises of Gansu Province and Russian universities.

These initiatives offer both sides broad prospects for cooperation in science, technology and education. Polytechnic University continues to actively develop its international ties, striving to create innovative solutions and promote technological development both in Russia and abroad.