SPbPU: Joint Polytechnic Institute Students Embark on Inaugural Summer School Experience

This year, students from the Joint Polytechnic Institute of Xi’an Technological University and St. Petersburg Peter the Great Polytechnic University (JPI XATU — SPbPU) will take part in the International Polytechnic Summer School for the first time. As a reminder, it was officially opened in November 2023.

International Polytechnic Summer School with students of JPI XATU -SPbPU

During their studies, students of JPI XATU-SPbPU will study Russian language and culture, as well as get acquainted with the latest achievements of science and technology in the field of new materials, robotics, automation in the electric power industry.

At the opening ceremony, the students and the Director of JPI XATU-SPbPU Mr. NIU Tongzhuang were welcomed by the Head of the International Education Department Evgeniya Satalkina and the Head of the Department of International Educational Programs and Academic Mobility Olga Emelianova.

Students of JPI XATU - SPbPU

«Your arrival at the International Polytechnic Summer School is an important step in the work of the Joint Institute. Short-term educational programs not only deepen cooperation between our universities, but also promote cultural understanding between students and faculty from both countries. Welcome and good luck!» — Evgenia Satalkina, head of the International Education Department, said to the students.

Mr. NIU Tongzhuang, Director of JPI XATU-SPbPU

An important part of the program is practical training in specialized laboratories. This will allow students not only to gain theoretical knowledge but also to acquire skills in the following engineering areas: relay protection and automation of power systems, mechatronics and robotics, new materials and designs.

Participants of the International summer school

«I would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to our colleagues at the Office of International Education. It is thanks to your hard work that this summer school has come to fruition. The students of our Joint Institute are very excited about the trip to Russia and are looking forward to getting to know Polytechnic, their, one could say, home university, as closely as possible. I believe that this summer school will certainly help them to get to know Russia better, which will contribute to the expansion of cooperation between XATU and SPbPU, as well as to the friendship between China and Russia,» thanked the organizers of the SPbPU Summer School, NIU Tongzhuang, Director of the Joint Institute.

First Russian language classes

Participants of the International Polytechnic Summer School went to their first lesson at Polytechnic: Russian Language and Culture of Speech.