SPbPU placed in top ten Russian leaders by level of inventive activity

The Expert analytical center has prepared the seventh ranking «Inventive Activity Index of Russian Universities». In this ranking, SPbPU was confidently ranked among the top ten leaders in terms of overall patent activity and took the fourth position in the priority «Development of Advanced Digital Technologies».

Our university received the highest scores for the number of foreign patents with countries — members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the share of active patents. The ranking experts note, that St. Petersburg Polytechnic University has successfully staked on foreign patenting and registered two new patents in Japan related to segmentation of clinical images. Polytechnic was also separately noted among the successful universities in the field of computer program registration (179 applications).

In the direction of “Transition to personalized high-tech medicine” Polytechnic University moved up from the 32nd position to the 5th position in the ranking
SPbPU’s achievements in the field of biomedicine became noticeable this year. The university was ranked fifth in the priority of scientific and technological development «Transition to personalized high-tech medicine», up from 32nd last year.

The assessment of inventive activity is based on the analysis of universities’ activity in the field of patenting developments. The indicators analyzed in the ranking are divided into three blocks: «Number of patents» (weight — 10%), «Quality» (30%) and «Demand» (60%). The number of participants this year has increased to 170 universities. The team of ranking compilers covered about 22 thousand Russian patents (applications) and more than 500 foreign patents (applications) in their calculations.