SPbPU Recognized as 8th Best University in Russia by RAEX 2024 Rankings

RAEX Rating Review presented the results of the ranking of the hundred best universities in Russia at the forum of universities «The Future of Higher Education», where Polytechnic University took 8th place. The ranking included universities from 29 regions of Russia. The largest number of participants is represented by technical universities — there are 36 of them in the list of the best universities in total.

According to the research data, the leading universities of the country are educating an increasing number of students: according to the results of the 2024 ranking, the increase in the number of students at the RAEX-100 participants amounted to 4%, a year earlier — 3.4%. At the same time, Polytechnic University has increased the number of budget places in most technical fields. In addition, new programs are being launched.

In addition to such aspects as strengthening ties with business, active development of applied research, the ranking evaluates the expansion of cooperation channels with organizations of friendly countries. In this matter, St. Petersburg Polytechnic University has fully reoriented to the CIS, East, Asia and Africa and continues to further increase this vector,” said Dmitry Arseniev, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of SPbPU.