Springer Nature Publishes Book Edited by JNMC Faculty Members

Aligarh : “Viral and Fungal Infections of the Central Nervous System: A Microbiological Perspective”, a book edited by Dr. Hiba Sami, Assistant Professor, Dr Safiya Firoze, Senior Resident and Dr Parvez A Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, JNMCH, Aligarh Muslim University, has been published by Springer.

The book covers topics related to viral and fungal infections of the central nervous system (CNS), with a multidisciplinary reach, discussing associated immunology, microbiological aspects, pathologies, timely management, and prevention. Features that are often less documented, yet of considerable interest in current times, such as the role of immunosuppression in neurological infections and newer microbiological diagnostic strategies are also covered, with real case descriptions, such as cases of fungal meningitis and other difficult-to-diagnose infections produced by viruses.

Dr. Hiba Sami said that the book serves as a guide for neurologists, medical microbiologists, and clinical practitioners who deal with patients suspected of neurological infection.