St. George’s University Grenada and Ramaiah Group of Institutions to Host Event for Indian Education Agents

 Bengaluru – Ramaiah Group of Institutions, India, and St. George’s University are working together to enable aspirants from India and around the world to obtain an internationally recognized degree and practice medicine in the US, UK, or India. During the five-year pathway, students have the opportunity to experience global healthcare systems across several countries: Year 1 in India, Year 2 in the UK or Grenada, Year 3 in Grenada, and Years 4 and 5 in the US or UK.


On 9th March 2022, St. George’s University, Grenada is set to host an event for its Indian education agents to learn more about this innovative pathway. The event, taking place at Ramaiah International Medical School in Bengaluru, will provide training for education enablers in the country, who help students find their place in an international medical school. The event will provide attendees with testimonials from SGU graduates, and discuss the variety of locations on offer to students. Dr Robert Finn, Associate Professor in Biochemistry, Associate Discipline Manager for Genetics and Associate Program Director for the Department of Biochemistry & Genetics, as a keynote speaker, will conduct a session about student and academic support at SGU, pastoral care, and the benefits of small group learning.


With a variety of engaging topics to be presented, a campus tour, and a meet and greet with faculty and students currently at Ramaiah International Medical School, the agents in attendance will be equipped to provide holistic assistance for students who are looking to study medicine abroad.


“It is in our best interests that all prospective students are provided with the necessary details of their medical pathway, to make their time in SGU a memorable one. It is with this in mind that we offer this training to our education agents to support and guide interested students through the admissions process for SGU,” says Bharat Ghadia, Recruitment Director for SGU in South Asia.


Neharaj Pitla, SGU Medical Student, Class of 2025 says “The Ramaiah/SGU pathway is an outstanding program that helped me build a strong foundation for the MD program and helped me gain a close-knit group of friends before travelling to Grenada.”


Admissions are still open for students to start their journey to becoming a doctor on the 5-year MD pathway starting in India in September 2022.