Student posts about Physics Wallah’s Skills course prices; Alakh Pandey takes prompt action


PW (PhysicsWallah) Founder and CEO Alakh Pandey recently responded to a student’s LinkedIn post regarding the prices of PW Skills courses. The student talked about his previous learning journey with PW and how he could not afford the new PW Skills Java full-stack development courses.


In no time, Alakh Pandey responded to the concern by telling the student that he would look into it personally.

“Our aim is not just to provide the lectures but an entire ecosystem for practical learning through hands-on experience on industry projects and PW Skills Lab,” he said.


Thanking the student for his feedback, Alakh Pandey promised immediate action, and he indeed followed through. Promptly, the price of PW Skills courses was slashed by a whopping 50%, now available at INR 3,500.


The student, Aditya Kumar, now responded with a screenshot of the PW course captioned ‘Purchased’, thus ending the conversation on a positive note.


Speaking on the online exchange with the student, Alakh Pandey said, “Come what may, PhysicsWallah will never become business wallah. Our priority will always remain to offer the most affordable high quality learning opportunities in the country. I am grateful to Aditya for pointing this out, and we hope he excels in his career after taking this course.”


Recently, PW (PhysicsWallah) announced the acquisition of iNeuron to offer accessible tech-centric upskilling courses to the youth under PW Skills. PW aims to create an industry-led, project-driven curriculum for graduates to upskill themselves and become job ready with PW Skills.