Students of Ryan International Academy Bavdhan engage in Musical Yoga


A unique celebration  by blending World Yoga and Music Day


Pune – Ryan International Academy Bavdhan celebrated World Yoga Day and Music Day, with the vibrant fusion of Yoga and  Music. The event showcased the harmonious and rejuvenating effects these practices can bring to our lives. To mark this special occasion, Ms Shriyukta Pathak, Alumni of MIT Peace World University, graced the occasion to conduct a musical yoga session for the students and staff.


Yoga and Music for Holistic Well-being


The session began with Ms. Pathak guiding participants through a series of easy but effective yoga asanas, designed to invigorate and refresh the body and mind. The gentle flow of yoga, synchronized with relaxing music, created an atmosphere of tranquillity and unity. This celebration displayed  the powerful impact of integrating yoga and music into our

daily routines for better mental and physical well-being.


Ryan Group of institutions has introduced such activities as promoting Yoga and Music Day with the purpose to achieve a healthy mind and a healthy body among learners and workers because health is an inseparable part of students’ and employees’ life.