Summer School in Operations and Supply Chain Management Research
Hyderabad: There are a very few research oriented programs offered in India that are specific to the needs of Operations and Supply Chain Management research community. Identifying this crying need, Society of Operations Management (SOM) and Institute of Management Technology, Hyderabad, have joined hands to conduct a first ever 2 week summer school program with a focus on research methods and advances in Operations & Supply Chain Management.
Operations and Supply Chain has a very direct impact on most manufacturing, e-commerce and other retail industry today as one can mitigate the risk of getting the products stolen, decomposition, tampering risks and meeting up with the estimated delivery time, promised to the end user. Taking cognizance of these factors, the program has been designed where eeminent faculty instructors from IIMs and IITs will expose the participants to the fundamental research methodologies and their applications in areas like behavioural operations, project management, multi-criteria decision making and stochastic modelling.
“This is an attempt to fill the vacuum of any such program in the country. Supply chain management used to be a subset of operations management but now it is an integral part of operations and has become the backbone for many industry or services. With the advent of ecommerce and online market places in the retail sector, the smart consumer today is not just looking for a good product at a competitive price point. The delivery time is also a critical deciding factor for him which the supplier need to respect. With this comes the ‘anticipatory shipping’ practiced at the Amazon and similar predictive analytics tools, used by Walmart or Flipkart as they need to know in real time where the products are, the route of the transportation is not deviated, item is not damaged, delay in delivery doesn’t happen resulting in a return of the ordered-item by the customer”, says Prof. (Dr.) Sourabh Bhattacharya, Faculty, Operations Management at IMT Hyderabad.
The duration of workshop is 12 days starting from 14 May to 25 May 2018 and candidates from the area of Research scholars from Operations Management and allied areas, Faculty members of Operations Management and allied areas and Industry Practitioners who are into operations or planning to undertake research in Operations Management are eligible to apply this this program. Details of the program and the Factsheet can be found in the IMT Hyderabad site .