Survey on the state of journalism and mass communication education in preparing future journalists to counter misinformation and disinformation in Southeast Asia

Developments in the last few years have placed journalism under fire. Political, technological, economic and social transformations are inexorably reshaping the communications landscape and raising many questions about the quality, impact and credibility of journalism. In addition, the information ecology is being contaminated by orchestrated campaigns to spread untruths via disinformation. This disruption is accompanied by manipulation of half-truths via mal-information, and by the unwitting sharing of misinformation. The situation is both a challenge and opportunity for the field of journalism and mass communication.

UNESCO as the United Nations specialized agency with the mandate to promote freedom of expression and its corollary freedom of the press has a long-standing commitment to support quality journalism around the world through policy-advice, awareness raising, capacity building, and research.  Through the UNESCO Office in Jakarta and Bangkok, UNESCO is conducting a survey to better understand the state of journalism and mass communication education in preparing future journalists to counter misinformation and disinformation in Southeast Asia.

Deadline for submission: Monday, 20 April 2020

What is the purpose of this survey?
This survey is designed to help UNESCO better understand the state of journalism and mass communication education in preparing future journalists to counter misinformation and disinformation in Southeast Asia and to create a baseline information of the usage UNESCO’s material in this area as well as to better plan for future interventions.

Who should take part in this survey?
This survey is designed for department/faculty/school/training institution of journalism or mass communications or closely related field of studies. There are two parts to the survey, Part A is for the individual course instructor and Part B is for the institution.

How many responses are required?
Part A is open to each individual course instructor in the institution, thus we accept multiple responses.
For Part B, we expect one submission per department/faculty/school/training institution of journalism or mass communications or closely related field of studies.

What are the follow-up actions of this survey?
UNESCO will compile all the responses and aggregate them into a regional overview. This result will be presented at the “Roundtable Discussion on the State of Journalism and Mass Communication Education on Countering Disinformation in Southeast Asia” that is scheduled to take place from 23 to 24 June 2020 in Jakarta, Indonesia (tentative). Selected submitters of this survey will be invited to participate in this regional roundtable.

Where should we submit the response?
The survey is fully online. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact Dr. Ming-Kuok LIM, Advisor for Communication and Information, UNESCO Office in Jakarta ( [email protected](link sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail)

(link sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail)) with copy to Ms. Cresti Fitriana ( [email protected](link sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail)

(link sends e-mail)(link sends e-mail))

Please click on the following URL for Part A and Part B of the survey:
Part A (for individuals):
Part B (for institutions):