Swinburne University Welcomes High-Achieving Indonesian Students for Academic Excellence

A new cohort of outstanding Indonesian students have landed at Swinburne as part of the prestigious Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) scholarship program.

IISMA, an initiative funded by the Indonesian government, offers high-achieving students the chance to experience a semester at top universities and companies overseas.

A semester of academic excellence and professional development

This year, IISMA scholars are already making the most of the opportunities at Swinburne. These students are gaining invaluable skills and experiences that will shape their future careers and professional perspectives.

“One of the highlights of my academic journey here has been the exposure to a diverse range of teaching methodologies, which is quite different from what I was accustomed to in Indonesia,” says Daffa Arianda Martono, an IISMA scholar.

“The lectures are highly interactive, and the tutorials provide a platform for in-depth discussions, allowing us to critically analyse and apply the concepts learned in class.”

“At my home campus, lab classes can take four to five hours, contrary to classes here which are normally one to two hours long,” fellow IISMA scholar Kelly Angeline says.

“Therefore, I must adjust to managing my study time outside of class and exploring the material on my own. There’s no external push to study; I have to create my own motivation.”

Swinburne’s commitment to integrating sustainability across campus has been particularly inspiring for Kelly who has a distinct interest in energy sustainability. Her experiences at Swinburne through this program has reinforced her aspirations.

Learning that goes beyond the classroom

IISMA students have been offered unique experiences that broaden their horizons.

“Living in Melbourne has been an incredible journey of self-discovery and growth,” Daffa remarks.

“Settling down in a new country was initially challenging, but the welcoming environment and vibrant multicultural community in Melbourne have made the transition smoother than I anticipated.”

The cohort unanimously agrees that Swinburne has offered a culturally and academically diverse learning environment.

“Interacting with students from various cultural backgrounds has broadened my perspectives, not just academically, but personally as well,” IISMA student Aura Jatra Ratu Semendawai says.

“It has taught me to approach problems from different angles and be more open-minded and adaptable in both group projects and everyday life.”

Making meaningful connections through cultural exchange

One of the hallmarks of the IISMA program is its emphasis on cross-cultural understanding. The IISMA students have had the chance to engage in various social and student, where they build lasting friendships and deepen their understanding of Australian culture.

“The most memorable experience is the trip to Mount Buller,” Kelly says.

“The trip marked the first time all of us got to experience the snow and snow sports, like skiing and snowboarding. It was priceless because we never know when the time for us will be to experience that again in our lifetime.”

“Club Day was a highlight for me,” student Najmi Shafa Kalilla says.

“This event offered a fantastic opportunity to dive into the university’s vibrant community and find like-minded individuals who share my interests. The campus clubs have not only enriched my university experience but also provided a strong support network, making my time at Swinburne even more enjoyable and fulfilling.”

The future impact of IISMA experiences

The program continues to be a vital bridge between Indonesia and Australia, offering students a transformative experience that blends academic rigour with cultural exploration.

“This experience has made me more resilient, independent and open-minded – qualities that I believe will benefit me in all aspects of my life moving forward,” says Daffa.

Swinburne is proud to play a role in this journey and looks forward to seeing how this year’s cohort of scholars will make their mark as future leaders in their respective fields.