Tech Innovation Soars as TUM Inaugurates the Munich Data Science Institute

The Technical University of Munich (TUM) is celebrating the official launch of the Munich Data Science Institute (MDSI). As a central element of TUM AGENDA 2030, it is funded under the Excellence Initiative of the German government and the federal states. The MDSI pools the strengths of TUM in data sciences, machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), from basic research to interdisciplinary applications. It will also teach data skills to master’s students, researchers and professionals.

Opening ceremony of the MDSI with science minister Markus BlumeAstrid Eckert / TUM
Opening ceremony of the MDSI with science minister Markus Blume
Developments in machine learning, AI, natural language processing and computer-based imaging have started to fundamentally transform society, the economy and even gain of knowledge of science. With the goal of advancing the foundations of modern data sciences, machine learning and AI and applying these insights in high-potential applications, TUM has founded the Munich Data Science Institute (MDSI). As an integrative research institute, MDSI will pool the expertise of more than 60 professors across interdisciplinary boundaries.

The official opening of the institute took place on Thursday in the Galileo Building at the TUM Research Campus in Garching.

En route to a global brand for collaborative data science

In his keynote address at the opening of the MDSI, Bavaria’s science minister Markus Blume said: “Data are the treasure of our time. The Munich Data Science Institute is our key to the treasure chest and will open the door to innovation. In the MDSI, TUM is bringing together what must come together in the world of data science: business and science, fundamental research and applications. Because only through collaboration and a strong interdisciplinary network we can play a role in shaping the big transformation of the digital age.”

President Prof. Thomas F. Hofmann said: “To effectively leverage the potential of the age of machine learning and AI, we need to see modern data science as a team sport. With the MDSI, we are delivering fresh impetus to data-based technology developments and integrating them into real-world applications. Machine learning and AI harbor enormous potential. From life sciences and medicine, material and design sciences to quantum science, astrophysics and climate science – as well as the dynamics of societal, political and economic systems – the MDSI will support pioneering data science experts in reshaping the boundaries of what is now feasible.”

Stephan Günnemann, Executive Director of the MDSI and Professor of Data Analytics and Machine Learning, said: “At the MDSI we want to study the foundations of modern data science. This relates to the areas of mathematics and informatics that deal with machine learning. But we also want to apply what we learn in specialized areas such as the development of new materials or in personalized medicine.”

Another goal of the institute is to communicate research results to the world of business and society at large to bring about a transfer of AI-based solutions to industry partners and data-related startups. The MDSI will also support researchers in meeting the growing need for data-related tasks in their research and will serve as a network for interdisciplinary contacts between AI experts.