The Design Village Wins an International Award at The Design for a Better World 2022


The Design Village (TDV) students won an international award for Design for a Better World Award (dfbwaward) 2022 edition. The Design for a better world award is an initiative of Centro Brasil Design that values design solutions that positively impact society in the search for a better world.


The project aimed at helping the Rohingya refugees adopt self-sustenance in food security. TDV students proposed a project on one of the development goals of UN SDG 2: Zero Hunger, called ‘Self-reliance for the Persecuted’.


The project covered how self-reliance can transform food systems and lead to ending food insecurity while improving nutrition intake, thus fostering an equitable and environmentally prosperous. The participants, Yukti Anand, Manisha Bisht, and Mayank Raj, under the guidance of their mentors Lena R Gupta and Mudita Pasari, proposed a hyper-local system for the Rohingya refugees residing in Delhi. The motive was to rehabilitate and restore the physical and emotional well-being of these people by rendering them self-reliant when it comes to food security.


“The project focuses on an ever-growing population of refugees who lose everything when they flee their homeland. It is not just about eliminating hunger but also about nutrition and the well-being of the mind and body. It is about resurrecting the simple daily ritual of relishing a familiar, frugal, self-earned meal with one’s family. It is about restoring some sanity in their lives,” said Lena Gupta on their proposed project.