The role of market in fulfilling learning gap among students discussed

- Experts across south Asian region discussed all possible ways to support students and educators during pandemic - Centre for Civil Society organised a webinar to discuss ‘Education in Pandemic.

New Delhi. Think tank Centre for Civil Society (CCS) in collaboration with Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF), South Asia organised a webinar titled “Education in Pandemic: Fulfilling Learning Gap Among Students”. The webinar deliberated upon the situation, extent and nature of the impact and ways to fulfil the learning gap due to Covid pandemic. Prominent educationists from across South Asia i.e Abdullah Ahmadzai (Afghanistan), Dr. Mona Mathur (India), Sakar Pudasaini (Nepal) were invited to present their insights and the solutions. The webinar explored possibilities of market-based solutions to the current problem in the education sector too. Webinar was moderated by Roshan Gandhi, CEO-City Montessori Schools. Concluding remarks were given by Dr. Carsten Klein, Regional Director (FNF South Asia).

While making the opening remarks Nupur Hasija (FNF) dragged attention towards the badly hit education sector due to the Covid19 pandemic. Nupur said that ‘the goal of providing universal education has two major components: access and quality. Education world has slowly come close to addressing the problem of access, but it’s still struggling with the poor quality of education.

Abdulla Ahmadzai, The Asia Foundation’s country representative in Afghanistan emphasised on the need of ensuring education for all. He urged educators to continuously engage with all stakeholders to ensure education for all.

Dr. Mona Mathur, founder and CEO of Million Sparks Foundation (MSF) highlighted the need of working with community stakeholders so that education may reach the last student. She discussed the need of empowering and training teachers as they are the final point to reach out to the students.

Sakar Pudasaini, technologist and educator from Nepal highlighted the importance of interaction of older students with the younger students to help in handling such an unprecedented situation caused by the pandemic.