“The Space Programme Scientists enter campus cum Distinguished Chinese Scientists Public Lecture Series” @HKU

Some members of the China’s Aerospace Scientists team visited the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and held a lecture titled “China’s Lunar Exploration Programme” today (June 23) at Loke Yew Hall, with the Chief Designer of the Third Stage of China’s Lunar Exploration Programme Mr Hu Hao as speaker. Mr Hu also shared his experience in China’s aerospace programme with the University Community after the talk.

Professor Xiang Zhang, President of HKU, delivered a welcome speech at the event. He said that the aerospace industry in China has developed rapidly, with multiple successes time and again in the past two years. The Space Programme scientists’ contribution to the exploration of Mars and the Chang’e 5 lunar exploration project is vital.  The University is honored to organise this public lecture and have the team share their invaluable experience in aerospace engineering.

Mr Hu Hao gave a detailed summary of the nation’s achievements in the 17 years since the launch of the lunar exploration project in 2004, as well as the recent implementation of the Chang’e 5 lunar exploration mission and the challenges they faced. Over the years, China has achieved major breakthroughs in space technology. Its technological advancement has gained international recognition. The technological breakthroughs in space have a ripple effect, resulting in breakthroughs in various fields, laying the foundation for the subsequent exploration of Mars and bringing new knowledge to people’s understanding of the Moon.

Mr Hu said the solid foundation of the space work is to have the collective interest in mind, and to work together as a team. It is also important to have dreams. He said: “It is because of dreams that our aerospace industry is advancing step by step. First we had rockets, then we built satellites. Once we had satellites, we explored taking passengers. Once we took passengers to the Moon, we take them to Mars. Our dreams are being extended step by step, and step by step our dreams are being realised.”