Third UNESCO Global Report on Creative Industries Launched in Uganda

On 17 May 2022, the Ministry of Gender Labor and Social Development of Uganda, with support from UNESCO and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) organized the official launch of the UNESCO Global Report; Reshaping Policies for Creativity – Addressing culture as a global public good, third edition of a series designed to monitor the implementation of the Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions (2005). The launch attracted key sector players within the creative industry in Uganda, including musicians under the Uganda Musician Association (UMA), play writers, actors, heritage experts, designers, and filmmakers, among others.

The Report launched provides a global and national overview of the state of the cultural and creative sectors, through insightful updated data that shed light on emerging trends at the global and local levels. It puts forward policy recommendations to foster creative ecosystems that contribute to a sustainable world by 2030 and beyond.

According to UNESCO, creative Industries represent about 3 % of Global GDP. Based on recent analysis, an estimate of about UGX 11.3 billion is derived from cultural enterprises and according to a baseline study, it is estimated that there are approximately 12,460 SMEs in this sector in Uganda. Culture and creative arts are estimated to generate approximately UGX 3.18 trillion to the economy, in total business income, based on analytical estimates.

While speaking as the Chief Guest at the launch event, the Ag. Minister of Gender Labor and Social Development, Hon. Hellen Asamo, called for a systematic organization of the various groups within the creative economy in Uganda into an umbrella body that will channel their voices through a single platform to the relevant authorities to achieve maximum support from the government.

UNESCO supports the emergence of the creative economy for the economic and social wellbeing of its Member States and serves as the laboratory of ideas for policy analysis. In addition to the economic benefits, the culture and creative industries generates people-centered values, sustainable urban development and is recognized for its role in contributing to the non-monetized social benefits.

Released in a period where different countries analyse the effects of COVID-19, with the culture sector being one of the most affected by the effects of the pandemic, the Global Report signals the urgency of mitigating the vulnerability of the Culture sector, exposed and deepened by the crisis, but also building on its strength and unique position to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals set by the world for 2030.

Participants acknowledged The EU/UNESCO project that aims to bolster the contribution of the film industry sector for sustainable economic growth, through strengthening policy frameworks and the creation of measures and tax incentives to support local content development and professionalization in Uganda. During the interactive session, they also expressed their various opinions on ways through which the creative economy can be best supported to achieve its highest potential. Among the views included fast-tracking the implementation and operationalization of the Copyright laws, institutionalizing a specific ministry within the Government specifically responsible for culture and the creative economy, among other recommendations.