TOHOKU UNIVERSITY: COVID-19 Information and Preventive Measures

Important updates will be posted on the university’s official websites (English, Japanese) and social media pages (FB, Twitter, Linkedin), so everyone is encouraged to click follow or check back regularly.

To accurately reflect the changing situation in Sendai, and to ensure that students get the best education while keeping safe, the university will occasionally make changes to the measures listed in its emergency action plan (BCP).

BCP (emergency action plan)
The BCP is currently at Level 3 (Updated April 1, 2021)

Alert area:
A state of emergency was declared in Miyagi Prefecture on March 18. It will last until April 11.
Recreational and unnecessary travel is strongly discouraged, especially during crowded peak periods. Students are encouraged to keep up with the changing situation in Miyagi Prefecture and Sendai City.

BCP Level 3 means:
For students:
– Most classes will be held online. In cases where in-person instruction is necessary, strict safety protocols will be in place. Students should consult their professors for further instructions.
– Research activities can continue under the supervision of the department. Time spent in the lab should be kept to a minimum.
– Non-essential travel is prohibited
– Extracurricular activities remain suspended unless they can be held online.

For faculty and staff:
– Meetings should be held online where possible.
– Non-essential business trips are suspended. For urgent/ important trips, permission from department head must be granted.
– Administrative staff will be asked to telecommute or keep flexible hours to maintain a safe working environment. Staff working from home will have remote access to resources and meetings.

*In addition to the points above, basic infection prevention measures apply. These include wearing a mask at all times and practicing social distancing.
News in Japanese

Safety Measures:

What to do if you feel unwell
20201211_archive_whenfeelunwell.jpg20201120_image_archive_notwell_pic6.jpgIf you feel unwell, stay at home.
Please use the checklist to help monitor your health condition.

(1) If you feel unwell and notice symptoms (feel lethargic, light flu-like symptoms such as a fever or cough) for more than four days, please inform your department and contact the Miyagi / Sendai Call Center* at 022-398-9211. (24 hours)

Multilingual support by three-way calling is available for foreign nationals.
English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese: 24 hours
Thai, Nepali, Vietnamese, Russian, Tagalog, Indonesian, Hindi: Weekdays from 8: 30a.m. to 6p.m.

(2) If the Call Center suspects that you have been infected, you will be examined by an appropriate clinic or hospital. Bring the checklist with you.

(3) The clinic or hospital may administer a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test or something similar, to determine if you have COVID-19.

(4) If the test result is positive, you will be hospitalized for treatment. Even if the test is negative, you are strongly advised to stay home for eight days as a precaution.

(5) After treatment, you are considered to be in recovery if your condition improves and if you have no fever or other symptoms for at least 72 hours.

Here’s a printable chart.

At every stage above, please keep your department informed and updated.
Send a report describing your condition and what you’ve been instructed to do, using the methods below.
Send your report to your department at stage (1) to (5).

If you suspect you have been in close contact with an infected person
Stay home (isolate if possible) and monitor your condition for 14 days. Also contact your department.
Here is a useful checklist of symptoms pdf and flow chart .
If you develop symptoms, please follow the procedure above and contact the Miyagi / Sendai Call Center at 022-398-9211.
Multilingual support by three-way calling is available for foreign nationals.
English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Portuguese: 24 hours
Thai, Nepali, Vietnamese, Russian, Tagalog, Indonesian, Hindi: Weekdays from 8: 30a.m. to 6p.m.

*”Close contact” refers to being in the same room or building for more than 15 minutes and/or sharing equipment (PCs, tables, sofas, refrigerator etc.) with someone who would develop symptoms a few days later.