Tokyo Institute of Technology: 5th Super Smart Society Promotion Forum focuses on carbon neutrality
The Super Smart Society Promotion Consortium (SSS Promotion Consortium), led by Tokyo Tech, held an online technical forum titled Towards Super Smart Society in Carbon Neutral Era on March 10. The aim was to gain insights into a super smart society while learning about new developments and discoveries in fields such as global environment and sustainability, decarbonized society, smart cities and new social systems, zero-carbon mobility, and energy management.
This forum was attended by 280 people from inside and outside Tokyo Tech. After opening remarks by Tokyo Tech Vice President for Education Tetsuya Mizumoto and Director Mitsuhiro Doiishita of the Environmental Energy Division, Research and Development Bureau at Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), six speakers gave presentations on the latest innovative technologies and findings in a wide range of fields relevant to the carbon neutral era.