Tokyo Institute Of Technology Hosts Homecoming Day 2023 In Person And Online

The Institute and the Tokyo Tech Alumni Association jointly hosted Homecoming Day 2023 on May 20. Much like in 2022, this year’s celebrations were held in hybrid format, allowing a large number of participants to join the reunions, special lectures, and student-led events both in person and online.

Designed to bring the community together once a year, Homecoming Day unites Tokyo Tech alumni with their fellow graduates, current students, and past and present professors for a day of exciting activities and warm memories. Homecoming Day 2023 was the eleventh event of its kind.

Homecoming Day 2023 Team Tokyo Tech Meeting
One highlight of this year’s Homecoming Day was the Team Tokyo Tech Meeting, which was held in hybrid format at the 70th Anniversary Auditorium on Ookayama Campus. A total of 418 participants — 323 in-person and 95 online attendees — joined the event. Simultaneous English interpretation was offered to both virtual visitors and those on site.

The festivities kicked off with the Team Tokyo Tech logo design award ceremony, where Tokyo Tech alumnus Masamichi Hirayabashi received a certificate for a monetary award from Tokyo Tech President Kazuya Masu. Hirabayashi was selected as the winner of the grand prize after numerous designs were submitted in advance for the logo of Team Tokyo Tech, the concept that unites the Institute’s students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends.

The first talk session of the day, titled “Student Opinions: We have a leading role at the new university,” was a panel discussion between alumnus Hirokazu Miyatake and three current students — 3rd-year Life Science and Technology student Yuki Oheda, 3rd-year Chemistry student Kiyotsugu Ogi, and 4th-year Materials Science and Engineering student Haruna Ohashi. The panelists discussed the upcoming integration of Tokyo Tech and Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU), shared their feelings upon learning of the merger, and talked about their expectations for the new university from their own perspectives. Second-year Systems and Control Engineering student Mayuko Sakai and 3rd-year Life Science and Technology student Hiroaki Koyama moderated the discussions.

Session One panelists
During Session Two, titled “Ask the presidents! The new, integrated university,” Tokyo Tech’s Masu and TMDU President Yujiro Tanaka took the stage to answer questions submitted in advance about the planned integration of the two universities. A friendly atmosphere prevailed throughout the session, and the jovial exchanges between Masu and Tanaka drew occasional laughter from the audience. Towards the end of the session, the presidents also took questions from the listeners on site.

Evening reception
After the Team Tokyo Tech Meeting, an evening reception was held at the indoor sports arena. A total of 253 participants joined the 90-minute event, which began with some welcoming words from Masu followed by a toast by Tokyo Tech Alumni Association President Kiyoto Ido. For the first time in four years, light snacks were served, allowing alumni, current students, faculty, staff, and parents to enjoy some refreshments while interacting with each other. The event closed with a final address by Provost and Executive Vice President for Institute Strategy Isao Satoh.

In-person and online gatherings by various groups
As is tradition, alumni from various academic groups gathered for both in-person and online general meetings and talks during Homecoming Day 2023. Student club alumni groups also met for exchange and other events. The Institute for Liberal Arts held its lecture session online.

Homecoming Day 2023 participants were also entertained by various official student clubs and alumni groups. The Tokyo Institute of Technology Orchestra, Tokyo Tech’s Latin jazz band Los Guaracheros, the a cappella group Ajiwai, the Schwalben Chor Alumni Group, and others put on musical performances. Members of the Aikido Club showed off their skills, while the Society for the Study of Robotics hosted a robot exhibition. Members of the student juggling club Jug Tech wowed the crowds in the outdoor stage areas.

Students of the Tokyo Tech Volunteer Group organized a fair exhibiting various products. The student group Science Techno held a science festival for young children and their families, while Tokyo Tech alumni hosted the legendary Kurarika science workshops for kids.

On-campus participants were also able to visit a number of Tokyo Tech facilities. The Taki Plaza Gardener student group offered a tour of Hisao & Hiroko Taki Plaza, the student exchange hub which opened on Ookayama Campus in 2021. Participants were also welcomed at the permanent exhibition area of the Tokyo Tech Museum, the TSUBAME3.0 supercomputer facility, and the Tokyo Tech Library.

Homecoming Day 2024
Homecoming Day 2024 will be held on Saturday, May 25, 2024. The Tokyo Tech community is looking forward to welcoming a diverse range of participants at next year’s festivities.