Tokyo Institute Of Technology Hosts The Visit Of Delegation of Presidents and Vice Presidents of 15 Thai Universities

On June 9, a delegation of 35 members, including presidents and vice presidents from 15 universities in Thailand, visited Tokyo Tech.

The delegation was organized by the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning (ASAIHL Thailand) and the Council of University Presidents of Thailand (CUPT), and included the presidents and vice presidents of Chulalongkorn University, Kasetsart University, and King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, all of which have a long-term and close partnership with Tokyo Tech.

Tokyo Tech President Kazuya Masu, Dean of the School of Environment and Society Professor Jun-ichi Takada, Dean of the School of Materials and Chemical Technology Professor Hidetoshi Sekiguchi, School of Engineering (Mechanical Engineering) Professor Katsunori Hanamura, and Director of Tokyo Tech ANNEX Bangkok Senior URA Tatsuya Mizukoshi welcomed the delegation and held a discussion with them. All professors have close ties with Thailand through JICA’s international cooperation projects and/or TAIST-Tokyo Tech activities.

The meeting started with an address by President Masu, followed by an introduction of Tokyo Tech by Professor Takada, and then a lively Q&A session on the integration with Tokyo Medical and Dental University, faculty evaluation perspectives, and more.

After the discussion, the group moved to the Tokyo Tech Museum and Archives, where Professor Taisuke Yamazaki, Deputy Director of the Museum, gave a briefing on the museum before touring the exhibits. As some of the participants were graduates of Tokyo Tech, it was a good opportunity for them to strengthen their ties with their alma mater.