Top US Universities’ Delegation Explores Collaboration Opportunities at Mahindra University

Hyderabad  : Mahindra University welcomed a delegation comprising provosts, deans, and academic leaders from 15 renowned US universities, marking a significant step towards fostering deeper ties between Indian and American academia. The visit aimed at advancing internationalization objectives and exploring collaborative avenues between the institutions.

During the visit, discussions centered on enhancing student and faculty mobility between the United States and India, forging research partnerships, developing co-offered or dual-degree programs, among other collaborative initiatives. Emphasis was placed on exploring interdisciplinary research opportunities, especially in fields such as public health and vaccine research, crucial in the wake of the global Covid-19 pandemic.

Dr. Yajulu Medury, Vice Chancellor of Mahindra University, expressed optimism about the potential outcomes of the visit and said, “This collaboration opens doors for deepening research partnerships, facilitating meaningful student and faculty exchanges, and fostering cross-cultural interactions between our institutions”.

During the visit Dr. Shashidhar Nanjundaiah, Dean of the School of Media at Mahindra University, delivered a presentation elucidating the university’s mission, goals, and collaborative ethos, underscoring the significance of a collective approach in higher education. He stated “We are committed to interdisciplinarity, and the delegates left after several preliminary but concrete exchange of ways forward. One was that underexplored collaborative areas in student and faculty mobility such as media and communication, education, and humanities in general are very much on the table now.”


Additionally, Dr. Bishnu Pal, Dean of Academics at the School of Engineering, Dr. Rajinder Chauhan, Dean of Life Sciences, Dr. Pradeep Racherla, Interim Dean of the School of Management, and Prof. Rajkumar Phatate, Head of Mahindra’s Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, were present. Their presence and active participation highlighted Mahindra University’s commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration and innovation.

The university leaders are a part of a delegation organized by the Institute of International Education, headquartered in Washington, DC, with an office in New Delhi. The participating universities included University of California, Berkeley, University of California, Davis, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Michigan State University, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Mississippi State University, University of Missouri, Rutgers, Oklahoma State University, University of Rochester, DePaul University, East Tennessee State University, and University of Tulsa.

The visit not only strengthens Mahindra University’s global network but also aligns with its vision of becoming a hub for cutting-edge research and academic excellence. As part of the collaboration, Mahindra University aims to foster enduring partnerships, providing students and faculty with enriching international experiences. The exchange of ideas and knowledge is anticipated to contribute significantly to the global academic landscape.