Training Course Held at Tsinghua University for Spring 2024 Party Branch Discipline Inspection Committee Members and New Party Branch Leaders

On the afternoon of May 30th, Tsinghua University held a study class for the disciplinary inspection members of the faculty and staff party branch and the newly appointed party branch secretaries and members in the spring semester of 2024. According to the school’s party discipline study and education work arrangements, this study class covers all the in-service faculty and staff party branch disciplinary inspection members, and the newly appointed faculty and staff party branch secretaries and members since October 2023. The purpose is to further strengthen the supervision awareness and ability of the faculty and staff party branch disciplinary inspection members through concentrated study of the “Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China” and relevant work regulations of the faculty and staff party branch, clarify the responsibilities and tasks of the party branch secretaries and members, and improve the party spirit cultivation and performance of the newly appointed party branch secretaries and members, and consolidate the school’s “full chain” responsibility for comprehensive and strict party governance.

Zheng Peng, deputy secretary of the school’s Discipline Inspection Commission and director of the Inspection Office, conducted special training on the theme of “shouldering responsibilities, daring to take on responsibilities, and promoting prosperity with a clean and upright atmosphere”, focusing on six aspects: “the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection”, “the fine tradition of party discipline construction”, “the Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China and the school’s discipline inspection work”, “analysis of the current situation”, “the responsibilities of discipline inspection members”, and “sticking to the bottom line and pursuing higher standards”. Zheng Peng said that General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that discipline inspection and supervision agencies are an important force in promoting the party’s self-revolution, shouldering special political responsibilities and glorious missions, and must always be absolutely loyal, absolutely reliable, and absolutely pure. He hopes that together with the discipline inspection members of the party branches of all faculty and staff of the school, we will take this opportunity of party discipline study and education to further strengthen political responsibility, strengthen system learning, strengthen supervision and inspection, work together to improve work standards and capabilities, unswervingly promote the party’s self-revolution, and promote the school’s prosperity with a clean and upright atmosphere.

Ren Huaiyi, deputy director of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of the University, Liang Jing, deputy director of the Organization Department, and Hu Jianming, deputy director of the Teacher Affairs Department, respectively gave special presentations on the topics of “Strengthening the study and education of party disciplines to build a solid ideological defense line”, “Deeply integrating party building work with career development, and leading high-quality development with high-quality party building”, and “Giving full play to the role of party branches as a fighting fortress and forging a team of teachers with noble professional ethics”. They focused on three aspects: ideology, the duties and responsibilities of the party branch of faculty and staff, and the construction of teachers’ ethics.

The training class also held separate sessions at the First Affiliated Hospital, the Second Affiliated Hospital, and the Shenzhen International Graduate School. More than 700 members of the Party branch discipline inspection committees of the whole school and new Party branch secretaries and members participated in the training.