Training Programme on B2V-4 conducted at Shopian

Visiting officers to tour 32 Gram Panchayats in Phase Ist, on 28 & 29 Oct



SHOPIAN : In order to ensure smooth conduct of phase 4th of Back to Village programme (B2V-4), the District Administration today conducted a training cum orientation programme here for sensitization of the Visiting Officers of various departments.

The training programme was organised under the supervision of District Development Commissioner Shopian, Sachin Kumar Vaishya and was coordinated by the Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj, Shopian.

Deployment of 32 officers has been made by the administration who during the 2 day stay/ outreach shall visit an equal number of Panchayats and listen to the people at their doorsteps.

On the occasion, the designated Master Trainers highlighted the aim and objectives of the programme besides enlightening the Visiting Officers about the key parameters on the effective conduct of the ambitious Outreach Programme of the UT Government.

The training was imparted by Masters Trainers including BDO Chitragam, Jahid Azad; AD, Planning, Touseef Ahmed and Gh. Hasan, ADP, DSEO office.

On the occasion, speakers stressed upon the officers to work with sincerity and dedication to make “Back to Village programme” a grand success by keeping the main focus on issues of public importance.

Joint Director Planning, Khurshid Ahmad while speaking on the occasion, emphasized upon department heads to make Nodal Teams for better coordination among themselves and for facilitating the optimal results of the programme and impact on the ground level.

Assistant Commissioner, Panchayat, Deputy DEO, Trainers besides visiting officers attended the training cum orientation programme.