Training programme on ‘Opportunities for Conservation & Cultivation of Medicinal Plants’ held at Gurez

Seedlings of Medicinal Plants distributed among Farmers



BANDIPORA : Regional cum Facilitation Centre Northern Region-II of SKUAST-Kashmir in collaboration with KVK-Gurez organized a Training Programme on “Opportunities for Conservation & Cultivation of Medicinal Plants in Gurez valley” at Nayal Village of Block Baghtour of Gurez.

A large number of Farmers and Farm women participated in the event. The participants were sensitised about the significance of domestication of medicinal plants in the natural habitat of Gurez valley as the valley of Gurez is considered, the most suitable place for cultivation of medicinal plants where a number of precious medicinal plants are found in its natural habitat.

The Deputy Director, Regional cum Facilitation centre Northern Region-II, Dr Mudasir Ahmad Dar deliberated upon the importance of domestication of medicinal plants in livelihood security and employment opportunities in the sector especially in this tribal himalayan region and demonstrated some important scientific techniques involved in conservation and cultivation of medicinal plants.

The Incharge head of KVK-Gurez, Dr Bilal Ahmad Bhat assured the participants that more such programmes will be organized in near future in collaboration with the Regional Centre of SKUAST-Kashmir keeping in view the suitable Agro-climatic conditions for cultivation of medicinal plants in Gurez valley.

On the occasion, the literature developed by the centre regarding package of practices involved in the cultivation of some important medicinal plants namely Arnebia benthamii (Kah Zabaan), Inula racemosa (Poshkarmal), Aconitum heterophyllum (Patrees) etc. were distributed amongst the participants of the Programme.

During the event, seedlings of medicinal plants like Inula racemosa and Aconitum heterophyllum grown in poly bags were also distributed among a few selected progressive farmers of the village for establishing small demonstration units in the said village.

Dr Mudasir Magray, Scientist KVK-Gurez stressed the importance of creation of SHGs involving farm women for better marketing opportunities.