Trinity College Dublin’s Hackathon Aims to Spark Innovations in Quantum Technologies

The hackathon, which runs from Wednesday 10th to Friday 12th July, forms part of ASPECTS, an EU-funded project exploring the energy cost of precision measurements using quantum systems.

Interested people are encouraged to register via this registration form.

The hackathon will bring together a mix of people from industry, academia, science communication, design, and the arts, to work on some of the social, cultural, and communications challenges we face when it comes to quantum science and technology.

Events will culminate in a public exhibition and wine reception on the final day (Friday 12th July), where participants will present and discuss their ideas.

Mark Mitchison, Assistant  Professor in the School of Physics at Trinity, said: “Quantum science is notoriously difficult to explain to the general public, despite its huge importance for the current and future technologies on which we all rely. This event will help to break down this communication barrier, by bringing together scientists and communicators in a creative environment.

“I am expecting the hackathon to be intense, fun, and unpredictable: hopefully the outputs will speak for themselves!”