Trio World Academy students attends UNESCO Mobile Learning Week and also visits The University of Peace conference in Paris

Bangalore: The students of Trio World Academy had a memorable educational trip to France recently where they had an opportunity to attend the UNESCO Mobile Learning Week at the UNESCO Headquarters and also attended the University of Peace in Paris. The Trio World Academy Students were the youngest and the first-ever high-school participants from India to have attended both this prestigious event this year.

Mobile Learning Week is UNESCO’s flagship ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in education event. The 2018 edition, under the theme “Skills for a connected world”, examined the types of skills needed in and for a connected economy and society, with a focus on digital skills and competencies. Participants exchanged knowledge about the ways governments and other stakeholders can define and achieve the skills-related targets specified by UNESCO. Students attended several interactive workshops on “Designing digital standards for education in crises (along with and Learning Equality).

The students also had the opportunity to visit The University of Peace conference that was organized by Cité Internationale Universitaire de Paris or the International University Campus in Paris. The main theme of the University of Peace 2018 was “Democracy and the Digital age” where students learnt about the scope and extent of democracy amidst current IT Revolution and the age of technology.

The students of Trio group spoke to the University of Peace Coordinator, Mr. Boris Wiseman discussing one on one the future of peace in the digital world. Cambridge Advanced Level student of Grade 12, Arjun Hegde asked if ever-lasting peace is a possibility or a myth and if technology would offer a solution or not to which Mr. Wiseman was of the opinion that “the right technology is certainly the answer and the University of Peace is an attempt at finding how technology can be made right”. IBDP Year 1 student Ashwin Iyer asked Mr. Wiseman “In this current political state where many countries are in an artificial state of peace due to the overarching threat of nuclear war, what is a better solution to this problem in your opinion?” Mr. Wiseman responded saying it’s too complex an issue to summarize in one line. But yes peace needs to be protected and nurtured artificially if need be.” Answering IBDP Year 1 student Amrutamshu Iyengar’s question on the inception of the University of Peace, Mr. Wiseman explained that “the University of Peace of the CIUP that started in 2015 is an annual event that brings together young researchers who gather to speak about peace and the preservation of peace in our world today. This is to carry forward the peace ideal with which the International University Campus was started between World War 1 and 2.” Kevin Andre Soares, another student of IBDP Year 1 inquired on how the University’s perspective of peace has changed over the years while Tushara Urala of IBDP Year 1 wondered about the future plans of expansion of the University of Peace to which Mr. Wiseman replied saying that, “If you would organize a University of Peace in Bangalore, I would love to visit and speak to other youngsters like you on the future of peace!”

Expressing his views on the educational trip, Mr. Naveen K M, Managing Director, TRIO World Academy said,” The school aims to give pupils the skills permitting them to face the complex problems of the world today, instilling in them a sense of responsibility through impart of moral values and widening their knowledge horizons about other religions and cultures. A global event of this stature is the perfect place for Trio to encourage its students and get them thinking about the impact of learning on a worldwide scale, which Trio always believes in.”

Ms. Chandniee, Trio’s Senior School French Teacher, Head of Languages and Theory of Knowledge Teacher and Coordinator had co –ordinated the trip with the students.