Trusted Traveller Programme to Speed Up Immigration for Approved Passengers

The Government has launched Fast Track Immigration –Trusted Traveller Programme (FTI-TTP) at Indira Gandhi International   Airport   (IGI)   Airport,   T-3   Terminal,   New   Delhi    on 22.06.2024. FTI-TTP aims to facilitate international mobility with faster, smoother and secure immigration clearance. In the initial phase, it has been started for Indian nationals and OCI cardholders on gratis basis.

The FTI-TTP has been implemented through an online portal To enrol in the programme, the applicant has to register online on the portal by filling his/her details and uploading required documents. Biometrics of the registered applicants will be captured at the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO) or at the time of passage through the airport. The registered passenger has to scan his/her boarding pass issued by the airlines at the e-gates and then scan his/her passport.  The biometrics of the passenger will be authenticated at the e-gates. On such authentication, the e-gate will open automatically and immigration clearance will be deemed to have been granted.

The Bureau of Immigration under the Ministry of Home Affairs is the nodal agency for the implementation of the FTI-TTP programme.

FTI-TTP has been deployed at IGI Airport, T-3 Terminal, New Delhi  on 22.06.2024. In  the first phase,  apart from Delhi  Airport,  major airports i.e. Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Cochin, Ahmedabad, have been identified for this programme.