Tsinghua Alumni Lifelong Learning Support Program Launches Finance Class

On June 22, the “Tsinghua Alumni Lifelong Learning Support Program·Financial Class” jointly launched by the Tsinghua Alumni Association and PBC School of Finance opened. Shi Zongkai, deputy director of the Tsinghua University Academic Affairs Committee and vice president of the Alumni Association, Dong Yang, director of the Alumni Association and a 1977 automotive alumnus, Gu Liangfei, secretary of the Party Committee of PBC School of Finance, Tang Jie, director of the Alumni Affairs Office and secretary-general of the Alumni Association, Tian Xuan, dean of the National Institute of Finance, vice dean of PBC School of Finance and chair professor of finance, Yang Liu, deputy director of the Lifelong Education Department, and Zhao Ying, deputy director of the Development Department of the Alumni Association, attended the opening ceremony. The opening ceremony was hosted by Song Shuqiang, director of the Development Department of the Alumni Association. More than 200 teachers, students and alumni attended the opening ceremony.

Gu Liangfei introduced the history, educational mission and academic research achievements of the School of Finance. He said that the “Tsinghua Alumni Lifelong Learning Support Program·Finance Class” covers the vast majority of Tsinghua’s departments and disciplines horizontally and spans more than 40 grades vertically. Under the guidance of the Alumni Association, the School has carefully formulated a teaching plan, hoping to help alumni master the basic knowledge of finance and improve their ability to understand financial markets and use financial tools.

Shi Zongkai said that the “Tsinghua Alumni Lifelong Learning Support Program” is an expansion of the school’s educational philosophy, helping alumni to always maintain a systematic learning state and habit, build an interdisciplinary knowledge system, absorb the most cutting-edge research results in various fields, and build confidence in our own civilization and culture. He hopes that more Tsinghua alumni will join the lifelong learning support program, improve their knowledge system, improve their personality system, and better enhance their understanding of society, the environment they live in, and themselves.

Wang Yin, a 2000 Electronics Department alumnus and founder of Yuncheng, said as an alumni representative that the “Tsinghua Alumni Lifelong Learning Support Program·Finance Class” embodies the three key words “financial learning”, “lifelong growth” and “alumni trust”. He hopes that everyone will learn together, grow together, and do things together. He also looks forward to everyone riding the wave of hard technology innovation, riding the waves and making progress together.

Song Shuqiang introduced that the “Finance Class” is the fourth type of class held by the “Tsinghua Alumni Lifelong Learning Support Program” after the “Chinese Philosophy Class”, “Art Research and Practice Class” and “Public Administration Class”. A total of 238 alumni participated in the study.

The “Tsinghua Alumni Lifelong Learning Support Program·Finance Class” offers a total of 13 finance courses, using a three-dimensional hybrid teaching mode combining online and offline. The first course “Corporate Finance” is taught by Tian Xuan. Tian Xuan taught professional knowledge in the fields of corporate investment and financing, capital structure, corporate governance, and corporate innovation in an easy-to-understand manner, building a complete knowledge framework of “corporate finance” for alumni, bringing a broad vision and systematic thinking in the financial world, and arousing alumni’s strong interest in learning finance.

In the coming year, students will apply what they have learned to practice through homework exercises, case studies, extended reading, group discussions, etc., and integrate what they have learned. They will also closely link theoretical learning with current hot topics and explore the laws and trends of financial operations.