Tsinghua University and China North Industries Group Corporation Mark 20 Years of Joint Training with Symposium

Tsinghua News Network, June 28th. On the afternoon of June 21st, the 20th anniversary of the joint training of Tsinghua University and China North Industries Group Corporation for targeted students and the 2024 China North Industries Group Corporation targeted graduates symposium was held in the Second Teaching Building Conference Room. Tsinghua University President Li Luming, China North Industries Group Corporation Party Committee Secretary and Chairman Cheng Fubo, and Party Committee Deputy Secretary Jiang Liangping attended the symposium. The symposium was chaired by Guo Yong, Deputy Secretary of the Tsinghua University Party Committee.

Li Luming expressed his gratitude to the China North Industries Group Corporation for its high attention and strong support for the training of targeted students. He said that the China North Industries Group Corporation is the backbone of the development of mechanized, informationized and intelligentized equipment of our army, and is also the main force in implementing major national defense science and technology and weapon equipment projects. Tsinghua University has always adhered to its original mission of educating people for the Party and cultivating talents for the country, actively engaged in the training of national defense talents, and explored the “four combinations” national defense talent training model in practice, forming a good situation of scientific research cooperation and talent training. Looking to the future, it is hoped that both sides will continue to optimize and improve the talent training model that is adapted to the new era and new requirements, strengthen talent cooperation in all aspects, increase the guidance and delivery of graduates’ employment, comprehensively strengthen strategic cooperation, and promote the coordinated advancement of scientific research cooperation and talent training. It is hoped that the graduates who are about to enter the China North Industries Group Corporation will keep in mind their original mission, bravely shoulder the heavy responsibility of strengthening the army, set high aspirations, grow in the tempering, actively play the role of a bridge and link, promote the continuous close cooperation between Tsinghua and the China North Industries Group Corporation, and contribute Tsinghua’s strength to the realization of the dream of a strong country and a strong army.

Cheng Fubo said that Tsinghua University, as a famous institution of higher learning in my country, is known as the “cradle of red engineers” and has trained a large number of pillars for the Party and the country. Ordnance-oriented students are an important talent training project explored by the China North Industries Group Corporation and Tsinghua University to train and deliver high-quality national defense military talents. The 20 years of joint training have yielded fruitful results and provided strong talent support for the China North Industries Group Corporation. It is hoped that the two sides will further strengthen joint training cooperation and jointly optimize the training mechanism. Cheng Fubo sent a message to the graduates of 2024, asking them to inherit and carry forward the spiritual qualities of Tsinghua University’s “actions speak louder than words” and “pursuit of excellence”, inherit the people’s ordnance spirit of “dedicating everything to the Party”, and unswervingly devote themselves to the great cause of building a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Zhao Cen, director of the Student Department and the Armed Forces Department of the Party Committee, introduced the training of students with special needs for weapons in school, and Wang Dong, director of the Human Resources Department of the Ordnance Industry Group, introduced the development of students with special needs for weapons in the Ordnance Industry Group. Three representatives of alumni of the Ordnance Industry Group in enterprises and three representatives of the 2024 Ordnance Industry Group graduates reported on their work and study.

Jiang Liangping presented the flag to the graduate representatives who will soon go to work in the relevant units of China North Industries Group Corporation.

The symposium was attended by heads of the General Management Department, Science and Technology and Information Department, Human Resources Department, and second-level units of the China North Industries Group Corporation; heads of the Armed Forces Department of the Tsinghua University Party Committee, the Student Career Development Guidance Center, and relevant departments for the training of ordnance-oriented students; as well as representatives of the 2024 ordnance-oriented graduates and current students.

In order to serve the national strategic needs, promote the construction of the national defense industry and the national economy, and promote the high-quality development of the weapons industry, China North Industries Group Corporation, relying on Tsinghua University, started the training of weapons-oriented students in 2004. As of the fall semester of 2023, China North Industries Group Corporation has recruited 20 consecutive classes of weapons-oriented students, and has sent 16 classes of weapons-oriented students to work in China North Industries Group Corporation.