Tsinghua University: Associate Professor Nan Tianxiang Honored at School of Integrated Circuits Development Meeting

On the afternoon of June 27th, the Party Branch of the Institute of Integrated Circuit Manufacturing, School of Integrated Circuits, Tsinghua University, held a party development meeting for Nan Tianxiang. After full discussion and voting by the branch members, they unanimously agreed to accept Nan Tianxiang as a probationary member of the Communist Party of China. Zheng Li, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee and Vice President of the University, attended the development meeting as the school-level contact person for Nan Tianxiang and gave a speech.

At the development meeting, Nan Tianxiang reported his mental journey of getting closer to the party organization based on his personal study and work experience. He said that as a young teacher devoted to the integrated circuit industry, he felt a great responsibility and should strive to inherit and carry forward the excellent qualities of the older generation of scientists, actively serve the needs of the country, bear in mind the party’s purpose and mission, closely combine personal development with national needs, and stand up at critical moments to contribute to the development of the country’s integrated circuit industry.

Nan Tianxiang’s party introducers Wang Zheyao and Wu Dong respectively introduced his training and overall performance, and expressed their opinions on whether he met the party member standards. The branch committee reported on the inspection and review. The participating teacher party members expressed their opinions and suggestions on the development of Nan Tianxiang to join the party. After full discussion and voting by the branch members, they unanimously agreed to accept Nan Tianxiang as a probationary member of the Communist Party of China.

On behalf of the school, Cai Jian, secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Integrated Circuits, congratulated Nan Tianxiang on joining the party organization. He said that under the leadership of the school party committee, the school party committee will continue to train outstanding young teachers who pursue political progress and strive to be advanced in their work into firm and conscious young Marxists through tiered, multi-channel and comprehensive training and education, and train them to become the backbone of the integrated circuit discipline construction and the reform and development of the school.

Zheng Li congratulated Nan Tianxiang on his honor of joining the Communist Party of China, and hoped that he would strengthen his ideals and beliefs in the future, work hard to integrate theory with practice, apply what he has learned, and learn from each other, and consciously become a firm believer and faithful practitioner of the lofty ideals of communism and the common ideals of socialism with Chinese characteristics; improve his party spirit, examine, sharpen and improve himself in self-cultivation, self-discipline and self-transformation, and persevere and work hard for a long time. Zheng Li expressed the hope that the teachers and students of the School of Integrated Circuits would shoulder heavy responsibilities, dare to be the first, and contribute more Tsinghua strength to the development of China’s integrated circuit industry.

The party membership development meeting ended with the solemn singing of the Internationale.

Nan Tianxiang, male, born in June 1989. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Electronic Engineering of Northeastern University in the United States in 2015 and won the National Scholarship for Outstanding Self-funded International Students. From 2015 to 2019, he conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Cornell University in the United States, and returned to the School of Integrated Circuits of Tsinghua University full-time in September 2019. From August 2019 to June 2023, he served as an assistant professor of the School of Integrated Circuits of Tsinghua University. From June 2023 to present, he has served as a quasi-associate professor of the School of Integrated Circuits of Tsinghua University. From September 2021 to present, he has served as the assistant dean of the School of Integrated Circuits.