Tsinghua University Convenes Symposium for Class of 2024 Undergraduate Graduates

Tsinghua News Network, June 28 (Reporter Wang Xiaoxia , Photographer Zhang Yuguang ) The south wind blows gently, and the farewell song is melodious. On the morning of June 21, a symposium for the 2024 undergraduate graduates of Tsinghua University was held in the Student Service Center (Building C). President Li Luming and more than 40 undergraduate graduates sat together to talk about their gains and insights from studying and living in Tsinghua Park and discuss future development. The scene was full of laughter and the atmosphere was warm. Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the University Guo Yong attended the symposium.

At the symposium, Li Luming listened carefully to the students’ speeches, congratulated them on their excellent achievements and expressed his earnest hope. He said that Tsinghua University has been unremittingly implementing the fundamental task of cultivating people with moral integrity, striving to provide a fertile ground for diversified development and growth for every student, and is committed to cultivating innovative talents who shoulder the mission and pursue excellence for the country. He hopes that the students will carry forward the school motto of “self-improvement and tolerance” in their future life, be willing to work hard and be good at hard work, and grow their skills through tempering; be honest and down-to-earth, cultivate morality to hone their character, integrate the feelings of family and country into unremitting struggle, integrate the “small self” into the “big self”, consciously shoulder the mission given by the times, and strive to grow into pillars of talent who can be of great use and can shoulder heavy responsibilities.

The students shared their “growth moments” in their university life and talked about the “infinite possibilities” that Tsinghua University brought them.

Dan Xiaolong from the Department of Electronics was working on a construction site when he received his admission letter. During his college years, he worked hard and made progress, “really saw a lot of bigger worlds that he had never imagined before”, and enlisted in the army to become a glorious People’s Navy. After graduation, he chose to continue his studies. Xu Yixuan from the School of Cross-disciplinary Information Sciences used the word “reborn” to describe his four years in college. He used his expertise to repeatedly achieve good results in the International College Student Programming Competition, and truly “emerged from the cocoon into a butterfly” at Tsinghua. Yang Qian from the School of Economics and Management won the gold medal in the women’s 10-meter air rifle shooting event at the Tokyo Olympics in 2021. She reviewed the countless challenges and hardships she had experienced as a shooting athlete in the past few years, and sincerely thanked the school for its careful training. Chen Hongren from the School of Aeronautics used “self-reliance as the foundation, excellence as the core, and serving the country as the key” to summarize his three stages in college. His ambition to serve the country also made him choose to become a doctoral student in the first national key laboratory engineering professional degree program of the National Academy of Excellent Engineers. “To do scientific research, you must have curiosity and critical thinking.” Lin Youjun from the School of Materials Science and Engineering is from Taiwan. He was worried about not being able to keep up with the courses when he enrolled, but now he has won a special undergraduate scholarship and published SCI papers, using “curiosity” to open the door to science. Yin Rouhan from Zhili College has the most unforgettable experience of playing the role of “Little Pepper” in the crew of “Malanhua Kai” for four years. This experience has given her the guidance and strength to care about her country, take on important responsibilities, and pursue excellence.

Yulia from Russia served as the “Tsinghua University International Student Ambassador” during her time at school. She actively participated in social practice activities, worked hard to tell the Chinese story well, and helped more international students explore the infinite possibilities at Tsinghua. Fang Wenhao from Weiyang Academy shared his experience of finding his own value in confusion and establishing his life goals in helping others in the past four years. After graduation, he chose to study medicine in order to help more people. “I feel lucky that there are so many Tsinghua people in my hometown who have taken root there, and I am proud that I can be a Tsinghua person who builds my hometown.” Si Jikun from the Department of Chemical Engineering in Qinghai chose to take root in the west to work after graduation. Gu Enqiao from the School of Law used the two keywords “publicity” and “red and professional” to summarize his gains. He walked firmly on the road of dedication and service, and will go to Xiangxi, Hunan to teach after graduation. “I feel both happy and extremely honored to be able to combine my personal interests with the development of Chinese mathematics and social progress.” Sun Yuwen from Qiuzhen Academy gradually unveiled the veil of “the beauty of mathematics” during his four years of study. Han Shuyuan from the College of Humanities has been active in various international exchanges during her undergraduate studies. After graduation, she will enter Schwarzman College for further studies and strive to tell the world about China’s adherence to peaceful development and win-win cooperation, so that the world can better understand China. Jiang Jianmin from the Department of Chemical Engineering is enthusiastic about public welfare. By chance, he participated in hematopoietic stem cell donation and provided Q&A services to more than 1,400 people. After graduation, he will continue his studies and strive to help more people in need in the future.