Tsinghua University Holds Ceremonies for Establishment of Dushi College and Zhishan College, and Appointment of Deans

Tsinghua News Network, June ( Reporter Tian Jirong, Photographer Li Pai ) On the morning of June 6, the inauguration ceremony of Tsinghua University’s Dushi College and Zhishan College and the appointment ceremony of the college president were held in the reception hall of the main building. The establishment of Dushi College and Zhishan College in the tenth year of Tsinghua University’s exploration of the college system is an important measure for the school to further improve the undergraduate education system, enhance the ability to cultivate talents independently, and promote the Tsinghua-style Chinese college system to a new level.

Li Luming, President of Tsinghua University and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, attended the ceremony and delivered a speech. Peng Gang, Vice President and Provost of Tsinghua University, announced the decision on the establishment of the college. Colonel Wang Xueshi, Vice Dean of the School of Aeronautical Basics of the Air Force Aviation University, Colonel Zhong Kuirun, Political Commissar of the School of Aeronautical Basics of the Naval Aviation University, Liu Zhihua, General Manager of Beijing Shenzhou Aerospace Software Technology Co., Ltd., Guo Zengyuan, Professor of the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics of Tsinghua University and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and Sun Jiaguang, Professor of the School of Software of Tsinghua University and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, attended the ceremony. The ceremony was hosted by Liu Yi, Vice Provost and Director of the Academic Affairs Office of Tsinghua University.

Li Luming, Peng Gang, Liu Yi, and Zhang Xiong, the president of Dushi Academy, jointly unveiled the plaque of Dushi Academy. Li Luming, Peng Gang, Liu Yi, and Tang Ke, the president of Zhishan Academy, jointly unveiled the plaque of Zhishan Academy. After the unveiling ceremony, Li Luming presented Zhang Xiong and Tang Ke with the appointment letters of the presidents.

Li Luming congratulated the establishment of the two colleges and expressed his gratitude to all teachers, students and friends from all walks of life who participated in and supported the construction of the colleges. He reviewed Tsinghua’s active exploration of the college system in the past decade and pointed out that colleges and universities are the main battlefield for cultivating innovative talents, and undergraduate education is the most important foundation for cultivating first-class talents. Tsinghua University has always been mindful of the “great cause of the country”, practicing its original mission of educating people for the Party and cultivating talents for the country, keeping pace with the times, and constantly deepening the reform of undergraduate education and teaching, and cultivating national strategic talents and urgently needed talents. The “Action Plan for Tsinghua University to Fully Implement the Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China” formulated and implemented by the school party committee clearly proposed to explore new paths for the cultivation of innovative talents for the future and promote the continuous development of the Tsinghua-style Chinese college system.

Li Luming emphasized that the establishment of Dushi College and Zhishan College is of special significance for the development and improvement of the Chinese college system with Tsinghua characteristics. It is also a powerful measure for Tsinghua University to cultivate innovative talents in future technology and industry and leading talents in social sciences. Looking to the future, it is hoped that all colleges will actively explore teaching organization models that can not only inherit and carry forward Tsinghua’s fine tradition of running schools, but also be innovative and open to the future, and further improve the quality of undergraduate talent training. It is hoped that all colleges and departments will stick to the original intention of cultivating talents with moral integrity, fully realize that the changes in the talent training structure have put forward new and higher requirements for undergraduate training, and establish institutional guarantees and incentive mechanisms for continuous investment in college education, give full play to the resource advantages of colleges and departments, and vigorously support the talent training work of colleges. It is hoped that the College Management Center and relevant functional departments will effectively help the colleges grow and develop, continuously deepen the theoretical research and practical exploration of the college system, timely summarize and condense the good practices and experiences of the Chinese college system with Tsinghua characteristics, and establish and improve problem analysis, solution, and feedback mechanisms. We hope that in the future Dushih College and Zhishan College will cultivate a large number of talented people who are capable of great use and responsible, and contribute Tsinghua’s strength to accelerating the construction of a strong country in education, science and technology, and talents, and to realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and promoting the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

Zhang Xiong introduced the talent training goals, training models, training characteristics and student development paths of Dushi College. Dushi College is oriented to major national equipment and major projects, integrates interdisciplinary teaching resources, and takes artificial intelligence as a starting point, aiming to cultivate leaders in the new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. The college will feature “solid foundation, strong intelligence, emphasis on systems, and encouragement of cross-disciplinary”, relying on supporting colleges and departments and school-enterprise cooperation resources, designing an open curriculum system, and building an advanced interdisciplinary innovation practice system, striving to cultivate students into designers of major national equipment, major engineering management experts, software system architects, complex system decision makers, and hard technology entrepreneurs.

Tang Ke introduced the construction concept, educational characteristics, training model and student development of Zhishan College. Zhishan College will be based on the needs of science and technology and economic and social development, adhere to the concept of “integration of general and specialized knowledge, cross-training, and precise guidance” and the characteristics of “broad-caliber, compound, and international”, and strive to cultivate leaders in the digital society. The college will build a “big social science” general education system, strengthen the refined matching of teaching resources and student resources, explore the ladder-based training model for undergraduates from general education, general and specialized connection, professional innovation to undergraduate and postgraduate connection, provide diversified international training methods represented by global field survey courses, and strive to cultivate a group of compound innovative talents with both international vision and Chinese perspective, with a deep social science foundation, insight into social and technological development trends, and the ability to promote the progress of human civilization.

More than 90 people, including heads of relevant school departments, attended the ceremony.

In recent years, Tsinghua University has firmly promoted the cultivation of top-notch and innovative talents and explored the development of Tsinghua-style Chinese college system. Since the establishment of Xinya College in 2014, Tsinghua University has promoted the reform of high-level innovative talent cultivation with the college system within ten years. It has successively established five strong-base colleges, namely Zhili, Rixin, Weiyang, Tanwei, and Xingjian, as well as Qiuzhen College, Weixian College, and Xiuzhong College. In 2022, a school-level college construction working group was established to further strengthen the top-level design and stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of colleges and departments to participate in the construction of colleges. In the past ten years, the college has taken education as its only purpose, and has promoted curriculum reform, paid attention to students’ personalized growth, and created a good atmosphere for education as its core. It has continuously built a high-level curriculum system, carried out pilot training for undergraduate and doctoral students, and implemented the reform ideas of integration of general and specialized education and learning as the main focus. At present, Tsinghua-style college system, as one of the main modes of undergraduate talent cultivation in the school, has achieved gratifying results in student training and has become an important measure for Tsinghua University to explore the high-quality development of undergraduate education in the new era.

The newly established Dushi College will fully integrate the educational and teaching resources of the School of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the Department of Industrial Engineering and the School of Software, and use major national equipment and major projects as in-depth practice scenarios. Through an open curriculum system, integrated systematic practice and personalized training programs, it will help students consolidate their mathematical and scientific foundations, master intelligent technology, establish systematic thinking, and grow into leaders of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation. The newly established Zhishan College will focus on the School of Social Sciences, bringing together faculty from departments that did not previously undertake undergraduate training tasks, such as the China PBC School of Finance, the School of Public Administration, the School of Journalism and Communication, and the Institute of Education, to strengthen cross-integration with information science, establish a “big social science” curriculum system, and build a “social science + AI” training system to help students accumulate humanistic qualities, cultivate a scientific spirit, expand international vision, and enhance innovation capabilities, so that they can grow into leaders of a digital and intelligent society.