Tsinghua University Honors Graduates at 2024 Undergraduate Ceremony

Tsinghua News Network, June 29 (Reporter Wang Xiaoxia , Photography by Li Pai , Huo Yuandong , Yang Yuhan, Zhang Yuguang, Yang Yanbin, Li Siyan , Liu Tongxinqi , Yu Leyan, Li Zhi ) The farewell song of midsummer is sung softly, and the water and trees are full of youth. In June, the flowers in Tsinghua campus are blooming, and Tsinghua students with ardent dreams set sail for the distance.

At 8:00 a.m. on June 29, Tsinghua University held its 2024 undergraduate graduation ceremony at the East University playground. School leaders Qiu Yong, Li Luming, Xiang Botao, Yang Bin, Guo Yong, Zheng Li, Zhao Gang, Peng Gang, Jiang Peixue, Xu Qinghong, Colonel Chen Jiefang, Dean of the School of Aviation Basics of the Air Force Aviation University, and Colonel Ma Ruikai, Commander of the First Base of the Naval Aviation University, attended the ceremony. Peng Gang presided over the ceremony.

At the ceremony, Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs Peng Gang reported on the graduation and bachelor’s degree awarding of undergraduates in 2024. After deliberation by the Tsinghua University Academic Affairs Meeting, 3,555 undergraduates in 2024 were approved to graduate. After deliberation and approval by the plenary meeting of the Tsinghua University Degree Evaluation Committee, it was decided to award bachelor’s degrees to 3,685 people in 2024. In addition, it was decided to award 46 people a second bachelor’s degree and 267 people a minor bachelor’s degree.

Qiu Yong, secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University, read out the “Decision on Commending Advanced Collectives, Outstanding Graduates and Excellent Graduates of the 2024 Tsinghua University Undergraduate Graduation Class” and sent a message to the graduates, asking them to always maintain their hometown feelings and love every inch of land under their feet. They should not only read books with words diligently, but also read more books without words, and take root downwards and grow upwards in practice. They should always maintain a pure heart, watch over the beautiful homeland for the people, uphold the humble attitude of “taking the people as teachers and being willing to be primary school students”, and pursue the spiritual realm of “I will have no self and live up to the people”. They should always maintain a kind of warmth and respect for the excellent traditional Chinese culture, draw life wisdom and spiritual nourishment from the long history and broad civilization of the great China, and continuously accumulate the strength of growth. I hope that the students will keep in mind the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, and become new people of the era who are capable of shouldering the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation in the struggle of loving the country and the people, and learning and working hard.

After discussion and approval by the Tsinghua University Academic Affairs Meeting, it was decided to award 10 classes the title of “Tsinghua University Advanced Graduation Class”, 77 students the title of “Tsinghua University Outstanding Graduates”, and 355 students the title of “Tsinghua University Excellent Graduates”.

School leaders Qiu Yong, Li Luming, Xiang Botao, Yang Bin, Guo Yong, Zheng Li, Zhao Gang, Peng Gang, Jiang Peixue and Xu Qinghong pinned honorary graduation badges on outstanding graduates and took a group photo.

Li Luming, president and chairman of the school’s degree evaluation committee, delivered a speech entitled “Illuminate life with faith and write youth with action”. On behalf of the school, he congratulated the students and their relatives and friends who successfully completed their undergraduate studies, and thanked the teachers who carefully trained the students. Li Luming said that among the 2024 graduates, there are the first batch of graduates from Qiangji College and the first batch of undergraduates fully covered by the “Writing and Communication” course. They have experienced important moments such as the 110th anniversary of the school and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, and created their own wonderful stories. He said that simple beliefs contain powerful life force. For thousands of years, the strong and self-reliant Chinese people have turned one impossibility after another into possibility with the simple belief of “not relying on heaven, not relying on earth, but relying on themselves”, allowing the Chinese nation to survive despite suffering. Beliefs that transcend personal gains and losses can achieve great things. Only by transcending the self, embracing the greater self, and integrating personal development into the great cause can we create achievements that are worthy of the motherland, the times, and the ancestors. Beliefs are reflected in actions and sublimated in inheritance. Only by starting from myself, doing every little thing well, starting from now and grasping every moment, can we make our actions more firm and lasting under the guidance of faith, and make faith more shining in the inheritance. Li Luming encouraged the students to remember the school motto of self-improvement and tolerance, illuminate life with faith, carry forward the Tsinghua spirit of patriotism, dedication and pursuit of excellence, integrate the small self into the big self, uphold the school spirit of action speaks louder than words, and write a regretless youth with action in the great cause of promoting the construction of a strong country and national rejuvenation.

Zhang Fan, a 1994 graduate of the School of Environment and a researcher at the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, spoke as an alumni representative. Combining her work experience after returning from studying abroad, she shared three insights: First, we must stick to Tsinghua, our common spiritual home, and remember the nurturing grace of our alma mater. Second, we must remember the school motto of self-improvement and tolerance. Self-improvement must never deviate from the goal of a strong country, and tolerance must be rooted in the feelings of home and country. Third, we must put down the burden of excellence and be mentally prepared to start from scratch. We should not judge ourselves by income, professional titles, and titles, but be down-to-earth and steadily harvest growth, and sublimate the “small self” in the achievement of the “big self”.

Cui Jiajun, a 2020 undergraduate student at Weiyang Academy, spoke as a representative of the graduates. He said that four years ago, he was deeply attracted by the “integration of science and engineering” training model in the school’s Strong Foundation Plan Enrollment Brochure, and entered Tsinghua University with a thirst for knowledge. In the past four years, solid mathematical and scientific knowledge has laid a good foundation for his research in the direction of engineering connection. The training model of undergraduate and doctoral degree integration has provided him with an opportunity to understand scientific research at an early age. The exploration of the academy has taught him never to give up. “As young people in the new era, we should live up to the prosperity of the prosperous times, and we should strive for the time when we are in the right time. We are proud to be able to resonate with the times.” He said.

Youth is far away, but youth never ends. The graduation ceremony ended with teachers and students singing the school song.

The graduation ceremony was live-streamed in both Chinese and English via the “YuKeTang” app. Some graduates who were unable to attend the ceremony, their relatives, friends, and alumni participated in the ceremony online.

After the graduation ceremony, the graduates lined up to enter the comprehensive gymnasium, where school leaders pinned the tassels on the graduates, awarded them degrees, and took photos with each graduate.