Tsinghua University Hosts 12th World Peace Forum in Beijing

The 12th World Peace Forum, organized by Tsinghua University and co-organized by the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs, opened in Beijing on July 6. Chinese Vice President Han Zheng delivered a keynote speech at the opening ceremony.

Themed “Improving Global Security Governance: Justice, Unity, and Cooperation,” the forum has drawn more than 400 attendees including former foreign dignitaries, senior diplomats, and experts and scholars from over 80 countries. Areas of discussion include how to achieve common ground, promote new cooperation, restore stability in international order, and safeguard world peace in the context of de-globalization. Secretary of the CPC Tsinghua University Committee Qiu Yong attended the opening ceremony.

Chinese Vice President Han Zheng addressed the opening ceremony of the 12th World Peace Forum on Saturday, calling for joint contributions to improving global security governance, safeguarding fairness and justice, and promoting international security cooperation.

Noting that the world is undergoing profound changes unseen in a century, Han said that China, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council and an important member of the Global South, will always stay on the right course in the changing world. He put forward three proposals.

First, adhering to peaceful coexistence. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, Han said, adding that China will always adhere to its foreign policy purposes of safeguarding world peace and promoting common development, and inject greater stability and certainty into the world.

Second, advocating common security. China advocates a concept of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and will actively explore and practice solutions with Chinese characteristics to address hotspot issues and strive to solve global security challenges, Han said.

Third, promoting openness and inclusiveness. To promote world peace and development, all countries should uphold the concept of openness and inclusiveness. China is ready to work with other countries to jointly safeguard world peace and stability, Han said.

The Chinese nation loves peace, and China has always been a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of the international order, he said.

He expressed the hope that all participants will fully exchange views, build consensus, and contribute wisdom and strength to improving global security governance, safeguarding fairness and justice, and promoting international security cooperation.

Li Luming, president of Tsinghua University and chairman of the World Peace Forum, extended a warm welcome to all the guests. He said since its inception in 2012, the World Peace Forum has become an annual event widely attended by global strategic security experts, playing a positive role in promoting exchange and cooperation in the international security field.

As the host of the forum, Tsinghua University is committed to cultivating globally competent talents, producing innovative results with global influence, and leveraging the university’s unique role in promoting cultural exchange and mutual understanding, Li added.

He said he hopes participants can engage in frank discussions on peace, offering valuable insights to strengthen communication, understanding, and cooperation in the international community. Li also reaffirmed Tsinghua University’s commitment to working with global peers to address challenges and advance global security cooperation, contributing to a community with a shared future for mankind.

At the plenary session themed “Towards Peaceful Coexistence and Common Security” held in the morning following the opening ceremony, former Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama, stressed that as international relations become more complex and challenging, direct, honest, and constructive dialogue is increasingly necessary. He also emphasized the importance of acknowledging differences in ideas and systems, fostering mutual understanding and assistance.

Dominique de Villepin, former Prime Minister of France, highlighted that peace can be deeply “rooted in our common humanity,” stating that Cold War or bloc confrontations are not inevitable outcomes. He underscored the urgent need to predict, control, and resolve various crises. De Villepin called for strengthened international cooperation, enhanced diplomatic trust, and a steadfast commitment to peace, development, and justice to lay the foundation for a better world.

The forum comprises four major plenary sessions and 18 panel discussions and will touch on topics such as the role of middle powers in preserving world peace, equity, and justice, major power responsibility for peace and security, and the Global South’s role in maintaining peace.

The World Peace Forum, founded in 2012, is a non-governmental annual forum on international security organized by Tsinghua University and co-organized by the Chinese People’s Institute of Foreign Affairs.