Tsinghua University Hosts 2024 Graduate Graduation Ceremony

Tsinghua News Network, June 30 (Reporter Tian Jirong, Photographers Li Pai, Yang Yanbin, Yang Yuhan, Li Siyan, Wen Yan, Long Xinqi, Huo Yuandong, Liu Tong, Wang Tao ) Youth sets sail, dreams set sail. In the early morning of June 30, more than 9,000 graduate students of the class of 2024 gathered and sang in the playground of East China Normal University. The joy of graduation, the sadness of parting, and the joy of departure all flowed and brewed in the melodious songs, turning into the most moving melody in the summer Tsinghua campus.

At 8 a.m., with the majestic and loud national anthem, the graduation ceremony of Tsinghua University’s 2024 graduate students officially began. School leaders Qiu Yong, Li Luming, Xiang Botao, Yang Bin, Guo Yong, Zheng Li, Zhao Gang, Peng Gang, Zeng Rong, Jiang Peixue, Xu Qinghong, Wang Hongwei, and Zhang Qin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, attended the ceremony. Jiang Peixue presided over the ceremony.

At the ceremony, Vice President Jiang Peixue reported on the graduation of the 2024 graduate students and the awarding of doctoral and master’s degrees.

Qiu Yong, secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University, read out the “Decision on Commending Outstanding Doctoral and Master Graduates of Tsinghua University in 2024” and sent a message to the graduates, saying that only by establishing oneself with faith, personality, and hard work can one move forward firmly towards the lofty goals of life. I hope that the students will stick to their original aspirations, never forget why they set out no matter how far they go, and face the test of life with the infinite power given by faith. Cultivate oneself, “examine oneself three times”, cherish virtue and respect oneself, make it a conscious act to have no violation of the heart and no mistakes, and always maintain the nobleness of “clearness”. Work hard, bend down, calm down, always maintain inexhaustible enthusiasm, work hard, dedicate yourself, and achieve the prosperity of “Hua”. “Struggle is the most beautiful background of youth, and action is the most effective tempering of youth.” I hope that the students will keep in mind the instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping, live up to their youth, and write a magnificent chapter of life in this great era.

After discussion and approval by the Tsinghua University Academic Affairs Meeting, it was decided to award 110 doctoral graduates the title of “Outstanding Doctoral Graduates of Tsinghua University” and to award 88 master’s graduates the title of “Outstanding Master’s Graduates of Tsinghua University”.

School leaders Qiu Yong, Li Luming, Xiang Botao, Yang Bin, Guo Yong, Zheng Li, Zhao Gang, Peng Gang, Zeng Rong, Jiang Peixue, Xu Qinghong and Wang Hongwei pinned honorary graduation badges on outstanding graduates and took a group photo.

Li Luming, president and chairman of the university’s degree evaluation committee, delivered a speech entitled “Facing the era of change and pursuing eternal values”. On behalf of the university, he congratulated the students who are about to start a new chapter in their lives, and expressed his gratitude to the teachers who have worked hard for their learning and growth, and to the relatives and friends who have given their care and support to the students. Li Luming said that mankind is currently in an era of great development, great change, and great adjustment. Changes in the world pattern, economy and society, science and technology, and ideology and culture have profoundly affected everyone’s life and made the future full of uncertainty. But there are always some eternal values ​​worth pursuing, which can keep us full and firm in our hearts and pursue a higher, more advanced, and more tasteful life. Noble morality and true knowledge and truth are eternal values ​​worth pursuing. I hope everyone will cultivate the gentleman’s character of “self-improvement” and “seeking from oneself”, and maintain the spirit of “never tired of learning” and “daily innovation”. Family and country feelings and human care are eternal values ​​worth pursuing. I hope everyone will carry forward the Tsinghua spirit of patriotism, dedication, and pursuit of excellence, and expand the life pattern of openness, tolerance, and caring for the world. In the process of pursuing eternal values, we must not only grasp the present, but also stick to it for a long time. I hope that everyone will uphold the school spirit of “actions speak louder than words”, with the tenacity of “being strong after thousands of blows” and the determination of “sitting on the bench for ten years”, seize the day, persevere, and practice the lifelong responsibility of Tsinghua people with practical work. Li Luming encouraged the students to improve their morals, serve the country, embrace the world, face the era of change, pursue eternal values, and let their youth shine brightly in eternal struggle and sincere dedication.

Pan Shilong, a 2000 graduate of the Department of Electronics, executive dean of the School of Electronic Information Engineering of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and director of the National Key Laboratory of Microwave Photonics Technology, spoke as an alumni representative. Focusing on the three key words of “passion” – dedication to work, self-reliance and self-love, and patriotic struggle, he shared his story of devoting himself to microwave photonics research, independently innovating and developing advanced instruments at the leading international level, and overcoming scientific research difficulties, and constantly striving to realize the dream of serving the country through scientific research. He encouraged his younger classmates to be full of passion in their hearts, bravely cross mountains and seas, and strive to achieve their own colorful achievements, so that the dream of serving the country can release the most beautiful brilliance.

Chen Qiang, a 2019 doctoral student in the Department of Chemical Engineering, spoke as a representative of the graduates. He recalled three unforgettable moments in Tsinghua: he was moved by the story of Mr. Wang Jiading, an older generation scientist, and from then on he determined to do scientific research; he bravely stepped into the “no man’s land” of scientific research and explored, tempering the courage to overcome difficulties; he gained joy and a sense of accomplishment by guiding and helping his juniors to carry out scientific research, and firmly devoted himself to the cause of teaching and educating people. In the future, he will go to Southwest University to engage in teaching and scientific research, hoping to contribute his youthful strength to the development of higher education and science and technology in the western part of the motherland.

After the graduation ceremony, school leaders pinned the tassels to the graduates one by one in the comprehensive gymnasium, awarded them degrees, and took photos with each graduate.

The graduation ceremony was live-streamed in both Chinese and English via the “YuKeTang” app. Some graduates who were unable to attend the ceremony, their relatives, friends, and alumni participated in the ceremony online.