Tsinghua University Hosts Joint Theme Party Day Focused on Party Discipline Education

In order to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech and instructions on party discipline education, and guide graduate party members to learn, know, understand and abide by party discipline, the school organized a joint theme party day for graduates, teachers and students to carry out party discipline education. The 158 teacher and student branches of the school held theme party days on June 13 and 14. School leaders Li Luming, Zhao Gang, Jiang Peixue and others went to the party branches to communicate with students face to face.

President Li Luming attended the joint theme party day of the Joint Party Branch of the Institute of Environmental Biology and Ecology, the Party Branch of Retired Party Members, the Party Branch of Environmental Science 233, and the Party Branch of Environmental Science 211. The students discussed the theme of “Knowing the rules, taking responsibility, and continuing to strive for a beautiful China”. Representatives of outstanding party members from three generations, “old, middle-aged, and young”, combined their own experiences to talk about the mission and responsibility of Tsinghua environmentalists. In the exchanges, teachers and students made it clear that learning the discipline is the basis of knowing the discipline, and knowing the discipline is the prerequisite for abiding by the discipline. They should keep the party discipline in mind and put it into practice, actively serve the major needs of the country, and continue to strive for a beautiful China.

Li Luming said that as a Tsinghua student, to be “clear about rules” and “responsible”, one must bear in mind the school motto of “self-improvement and tolerance”. We must carry forward the spirit of “self-improvement”, dare to take responsibility and be willing to make contributions, strive to learn and master solid professional knowledge, develop strong skills to solve practical problems, and bravely shoulder the responsibilities of the times; we must practice the principle of “discipline and tolerance”, deeply realize that discipline is the “ruler” for managing and governing the Party, constantly improve moral cultivation and Party spirit, adhere to strict rules, and do not cross the bottom line. I hope that the graduates who are about to take up their jobs will not forget the traditions of Tsinghua, stick to their original mission, fasten the “first button” of their careers, always take serving the country and the people as their responsibility, and contribute their own strength to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Zhao Gang, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the University, secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and supervisor of the National Supervisory Commission stationed at Tsinghua University, and Li Yibing, deputy director of the University Affairs Committee, attended the joint theme party day of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Joint Party Branch, the Party Branch of the Second School of Mathematics, the Party Branch of the School of Mathematics 212, and the Party Branch of the School of Mathematics 22. Zhao Gang said that one of the very important reasons why the Communist Party of China has been able to grow from small to large, from weak to strong, and has been able to survive a hundred years of wind and rain and still have vigorous vitality is that it is not only well-organized but also has strict discipline. It is hoped that Tsinghua students will always take Marxism as a scientific guide, strengthen self-discipline with strict discipline, establish the lofty ideal goal of seeking happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, and realize the value of life through hard work and struggle.

Vice President Jiang Peixue participated in the joint theme party day of teachers and students of the Party Branch of the National Excellent Engineers College, the temporary Party Branch for the reform of the training of engineering masters and doctors, and the temporary Party Branch of the innovative leading engineering doctoral students, “Deepen the study of party discipline, practice and understand innovative development”. Jiang Peixue urged the graduates of the Engineering College to have a broad mind and be excellent engineers who pursue excellence and forge swords for the country; to forge ahead and be excellent engineers who are not afraid of struggle and setbacks; to adhere to long-termism and be excellent engineers who think independently and insist on concentration; to be honest and self-disciplined and be excellent engineers with a clean and upright style and stick to the bottom line.

All units of the university adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, organize party members to study the Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China, combine party discipline learning with party style and clean government education, and independently design theme party day activities with the daily reality of graduates. The School of Continuing Education, the Department of Energy and Power Engineering, and China Datang Group jointly carried out the theme party day of teachers, students and enterprises on “Promoting Chinese-style modernization construction with the party’s self-revolution”, encouraging party members to build a solid foundation for theoretical learning, keep pace with the new era, and contribute to the construction of Chinese-style modernization. The party branch of teachers and students of the Institute of Cross-disciplinary Information went to the Exhibition Hall of the History of the Communist Party of China to carry out the theme party day of “Remembering the Mission and Strictly Disciplining Oneself”. Through on-site learning of the “Spirit of the Party’s Self-Revolution”, it guided party members to enhance their sense of discipline, give full play to the role of party members, strictly abide by party discipline and rules, strengthen party members’ responsibilities, and strive to be qualified members of the Communist Party of China in the new era. The Department of Physics, the School of Social Sciences, etc. combined party discipline learning and education with the construction of a strong country in education and science and technology, and carefully studied the important letter of General Secretary Xi Jinping to Yao Qizhi, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and professor of Tsinghua University, and guided party members to always combine personal development with national needs and contribute to the prosperity and development of the country.

As an important measure to implement the “Notice of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee on Carrying out Party Discipline Education in the Whole Party” and the “Implementation Plan for Party Discipline Education in Tsinghua University”, this joint theme party day was jointly organized by the Party Committee Organization Department, Student Affairs Department, Graduate Affairs Department, and Retirement Office. Relevant leaders of each department and department went to each party branch to participate in the activities and exchanged ideas with students. In addition to this centralized theme party day, each department will successively carry out joint theme party days for teachers and students in June, covering all graduate party branches.