Tsinghua University Hosts “Shuimu Window·Dialogue with Ambassadors” Event, Welcomes Mexican Ambassador Jesus Seade

On the afternoon of May 30th, the Mexican Ambassador to China, HE Mr. Jesús Seade, and his delegation visited Tsinghua University and attended the “Vision in Tsinghua, Dialogue with Ambassadors” series of activities. Before the event, Tsinghua University Vice President Yang Bin met with the guests in the Gongzi Hall, and the two sides exchanged views on further strengthening cooperation between Chinese and Mexican universities.

Yang Bin welcomed the visit of Jesus Syed and his delegation, and introduced Tsinghua University’s situation in discipline construction and talent training. Yang Bin said that Tsinghua University has maintained close exchanges with Mexican universities for a long time, carried out important cooperation in various fields and achieved tangible results. Tsinghua University is promoting the implementation of the 2030 Global Strategy, of which artificial intelligence governance is a key area. It hopes to be based on the global technology development trend, share and build with partners, and make Tsinghua’s contribution to meeting international challenges. It is expected to further broaden the depth and breadth of cooperation with Mexican universities, jointly cultivate high-level talents with strong scientific research and innovation capabilities and international vision, and inject vitality into technological innovation and sustainable development.

Jesus Sajade congratulated Tsinghua University on its achievements in various fields in recent years. He said that Tsinghua University is a top institution in China’s higher education field, which not only contributes first-class academic research, but also actively promotes China’s economic and social development. He looks forward to further strengthening the cooperation between the two countries’ universities in the future and jointly promoting sustainable development in the world.

Relevant leaders from the School of Journalism and the International Affairs Office of Tsinghua University attended the meeting.

After the meeting, Jesus Seade attended the 13th lecture of the “Shuimu Window·Dialogue with Ambassadors” series of activities and delivered a keynote speech entitled “Accelerating Pace of Change in the World: Is Education Keeping Up?” Zhou Qing’an, Dean of the School of Journalism and Communication of Tsinghua University, hosted the event and delivered an opening speech. More than 80 Chinese and foreign teachers and students from all departments of the university listened to the speech.

In his speech, Jesus Seade said that in the era of rapid development and great change, education faces many new challenges. It should not be limited to imparting textbook knowledge, but should cultivate students’ global vision and leadership in practice. Jesus Seade put forward three pieces of advice to young students: keep an open mind and tolerate diverse views; maintain curiosity and cultivate innovative thinking; shape a sound personality, embrace the world, and embrace the uncertainty of the future.

In the subsequent question-and-answer session, Jesus Seade had an in-depth exchange with Tsinghua teachers and students on topics such as his diplomatic career, China-Mexico cultural exchanges and cooperation, and global sustainable development. Afterwards, student representatives presented Jesus Seade with a souvenir.

“Shuimu Window, Dialogue with Ambassadors” is a series of activities held by the International Students and Scholars Center of the International Affairs Office. The activities, through inviting ambassadors from various countries to visit Tsinghua for exchanges and hold discussions with teachers and students, enhance extensive and close international cooperation and exchanges, enliven the campus cultural atmosphere, promote the construction and development of the school, and achieve the purpose of enriching and improving Tsinghua’s global influence. The activities help teachers and students get a close and in-depth understanding of the political, economic, scientific, cultural, and educational information of various countries, and through exchanges with ambassadors from various countries, they can have cultural and ideological exchanges, expand their international horizons, and share international concepts.