Tsinghua University Hosts Training for Graduates Entering Public Sector in 2024

Recently, Tsinghua University held a pre-departure training course for graduates going to the public sector in 2024. Guo Yong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the University, attended the opening ceremony and gave a special report. Leaders of organization departments of some provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, experts and scholars in the field of public management, grassroots alumni representatives, leaders of relevant departments of the University, etc. gave course reports or participated in small class courses.

At the opening ceremony, Guo Yong gave a report on the theme of “Enhancing academic thinking and breaking out of stereotyped thinking”. Combining vivid cases, he explained to the students the importance of enhancing academic thinking from three aspects: what is academic thinking, how to enhance academic thinking, and how to break out of stereotyped thinking. Guo Yong encouraged all students to make reading a lifelong habit and read widely; get close to society and understand what the masses think; be good at independent judgment and grasp the essence of the problem; learn philosophical thinking and adhere to the position, viewpoint and method of Marxist philosophy. He hopes that the students will uphold Tsinghua’s glorious tradition of patriotism, dedication and pursuit of excellence, adhere to the background of being both red and professional and developing in an all-round way, and strive to write a youthful chapter that takes responsibility for Chinese-style modernization.

The training class held eight lectures, including the opening ceremony. Experts and scholars from Renmin University of China and Communication University of China, as well as relevant persons in charge of the school’s Discipline Inspection Commission and Policy Research Office, were invited to give lectures. Grassroots party and government cadres from Shaoxing City, Zhejiang Province and Tongzhou District, Beijing were invited to share their grassroots work requirements and grassroots practical experience. In addition, the training class also set up seven different small classes based on the employment regions of the students. The class invited relevant department heads from the Organization Departments of the Party Committees of 11 provinces and cities, including Liaoning, Hebei, Anhui and Shandong, as well as 20 alumni representatives working in grassroots public sectors from the central government and 15 provinces across the country, to conduct small class discussions with the students.

Tsinghua University has always attached great importance to the work of selected students, and insisted on “helping them get on the horse, sending them on their way, and caring for them for their whole life”. Since 2014, the Student Career Development Guidance Center has held concentrated training activities for selected students before they leave school every year, strengthening training and systematic cultivation in terms of party discipline and laws, what they should know and what they should be able to do, and work requirements, so as to further improve the political literacy and public service ability of selected students and help them better complete the role transition from college students to civil servants.