Tsinghua University Organizes 14th International Chinese Entrepreneurs Tsinghua Forum

On June 23, the 14th “International Chinese Entrepreneurs Tsinghua Forum” was held at Tsinghua University. Yang Bin, Vice President of Tsinghua University, and Li Wenhai, Vice President of Thailand’s CP Group and Chairman of Nanjing Tech University Pujiang College, attended the event and delivered speeches.

This forum was jointly sponsored by the Center for Chinese Business Studies of Tsinghua University, the Institute of Overseas Chinese Studies of China, and the Center for Chinese Finance Studies of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management, and co-organized by the Center for Asia-Pacific Studies of Fujian Academy of Social Sciences, Schwarzman College of Tsinghua University, and the Institute of Chinese Business Studies of Pujiang College, and co-organized by the Professional Committee of Chinese Business History of the Chinese Society of Business History and the Professional Committee of International Chinese Business of the Chinese Society of Overseas Chinese History. More than 50 experts, professors and young scholars from domestic universities and research institutions such as Tsinghua University, Peking University, Renmin University of China, and China University of Political Science and Law, as well as members of the delegation of Charoen Pokphand Group and the delegation of Chinese businessmen in Canada participated in the event.

Yang Bin welcomed the guests and congratulated the successful holding of the forum. Yang Bin said that the cooperation between CP Group and Tsinghua University is long-standing and the friendship is profound. The “International Chinese Entrepreneurs Tsinghua Forum” has been held for 14 years since its first event in June 2010. This forum closely combines theoretical discussions with practical concerns. The discussion content focuses on the Chinese business community. Through academic discussions on hot issues such as the transformation and upgrading of Chinese business enterprises, transnational practices, management and operation, and people-to-people diplomacy, it has both a broad and in-depth theoretical vision and a spirit of applying knowledge to practice.

Li Wenhai gave a special speech, introducing the origin of Chaoshan merchants, Chaoshan culture and the history of going overseas. Li Wenhai said that cooperating with Tsinghua University to study Chaoshan merchants can expand the international vision and international space of Chaoshan merchants’ research, help the development and growth of Chaoshan merchants’ cause from an academic perspective, and awaken the cultural identity and cultural confidence of the vast number of Chaoshan merchants to a greater extent, so as to unite Chaoshan merchants more widely and make more contributions to the development of China and the world.

Yang Bin, Ouyang Qin, Party Secretary of the School of Social Sciences of Tsinghua University, and others presented Li Wenhai with a commemorative certificate for his speech.

The keynote speech session was hosted by Pan Qingzhong, Executive Vice President of Tsinghua University Schwarzman College. Long Denggao, Director of Tsinghua University Chinese Business Research Center, explained the core of entrepreneurship with vivid examples of Mr. Tan Kah Kee’s entrepreneurial innovation, business management, overseas Chinese community organizations and national salvation activities. Li Hongjie, Director of the Asia-Pacific Research Center of the Fujian Academy of Social Sciences, discussed the advantages and space for overseas Chinese businessmen to help promote Chinese-style modernization.

After the keynote speech session, two rounds of special lectures were held.

The “International Chinese Entrepreneurs Tsinghua Forum” is an international brand event co-organized by the Center for Chinese Entrepreneurs Studies of Tsinghua University and the Institute of Overseas Chinese Studies of China. It aims to explore the current situation and development of Chinese entrepreneurs through interdisciplinary research and integrate resources from industry, academia and research, so as to further promote the influence of Chinese entrepreneurs in the international field.