Tsinghua University Students and Teachers in Youth League Conduct Research in Shenzhen

From June 6th to 8th, when the whole party was carrying out party discipline education and consolidating and expanding the results of the theme education, the school Youth League Committee Secretary Wang Rui led 47 teachers and students from the Communist Youth League system to Shenzhen, Guangdong to carry out practical activities. Through visits, study, discussions and exchanges, they conducted research and study on the work of the Communist Youth League in colleges and universities, the great achievements of reform and opening up, and the forefront of scientific and technological innovation.

Focus on youth work, exchange and mutual learning between league and students

Members of the practice group visited Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen University and Tsinghua University Shenzhen International Graduate School , and conducted in-depth research on discipline education, league organization building, Communist Youth League reform, class and league collective building and one-stop service.

Academician Xue Qikun, president of Southern University of Science and Technology, had a cordial exchange with members of the practice group. Xue Qikun said that Tsinghua University and Southern University of Science and Technology have a deep historical connection. In the long history of running schools, the two schools have cooperated closely in teaching and scientific research. He hopes that the teachers and students of the two schools will further strengthen communication and exchanges and contribute to the construction of a world-class university with Chinese characteristics. Ke Xiao, secretary of the Youth League Committee of Shenzhen University, introduced the “one-stop” service work of Shenzhen University and brand activities such as the “Shenzhen University Youth Innovation +” dual innovation culture. Teachers and students of the two schools discussed the work of college students’ volunteer charity and the integrated construction of classes and leagues.

The members of the practice group took a vivid national conditions education class at Tsinghua University Shenzhen International Graduate School. Wu Xiaofeng, secretary of the school party committee, gave an in-depth account of Shenzhen’s reform and innovation, and guided the students to explore China’s reform and opening up through Shenzhen’s development process. After the national conditions education class , the practice research group combined the school’s work style construction year opportunity and the school’s discipline education requirements, and shared their learning experience with the backbone of the Shenzhen Graduate School’s Youth League around work style, concise documents and meetings, and thrift.

During the investigation, Wang Rui shared the concepts and traditions of the Tsinghua Youth League’s work with the Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Youth League Committees of other sister universities, and introduced the Tsinghua Youth League’s work including innovative ideological guidance, serving major projects, deepening the five-pronged education, grasping the characteristics of young people, and insisting on strict management of the League.

Standing on the open front, we can appreciate the great changes

In order to further enhance party spirit, strengthen original aspirations, and deeply study and understand the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone’s spirit of hard work and progress of “daring to be the first in the world and bravely taking on the responsibility of pioneering”, the practice research team went to Lianhuashan Park, Reform and Opening-up Exhibition Hall, Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League and other places for exchanges and studies.

The members of the practice group paid tribute to the bronze statue of Deng Xiaoping in Lianhuashan Park, and deeply remembered the great achievements and broad sentiments of the great man in striding forward reform and forging ahead.

At the Shenzhen Reform and Opening-up Exhibition Hall, the members of the practice group studied in depth and understood the fruitful achievements in Guangdong’s economic and social development since reform and opening up, reviewed the vicissitudes and great changes over the past 40 years, felt the great achievements of the new era, and gathered strength to move forward on the new journey.

The members of the practice group also visited the exhibition on the development of Shenzhen youth movement under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, and gained an in-depth understanding of the glorious history of the youth movement led by the Communist Party of China for a hundred years. The Shenzhen Municipal Committee of the Communist Youth League welcomed the teachers and students, and exchanged views with the students on topics such as support for youth development, guidance on innovation and entrepreneurship, and exchanges and interactions between Hong Kong and Macao, and welcomed more young students to come to Shenzhen and choose Shenzhen after graduation.

Touch the forefront of science and innovation and witness the power of China

Over the past 40 years since the establishment of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, it has embarked on a path of technological innovation driven by demand and market. The practice group went to Huawei Songshan Lake R&D Base and BYD Group to communicate with local alumni and learn about corporate culture and innovative spirit.

In the exhibition hall of BYD’s Concierge Building, the practice group members experienced the rapid development of China’s electric vehicle technology on site, and had in-depth exchanges with the head of BYD’s Human Resources Department and alumni on topics such as BYD’s business development, school-enterprise cooperation, and talent introduction policies.

This research activity will strive to promote the high-quality development of the Communist Youth League work at Tsinghua University by strengthening ideals and beliefs through historical immersion, learning advanced experiences through exchanges and research, and broadening work horizons through field visits.