Tsinghua University Welcomes UN World Food Programme’s Zhao Bing

On the afternoon of June 24, Zhao Bing, the representative of the United Nations World Food Program in China, and his delegation visited Tsinghua University. Guo Yong, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Tsinghua University, met with the guests in the West Hall of the I-shaped Hall, and the two sides exchanged views on talent training and scientific research cooperation in international organizations.

Guo Yong, on behalf of Tsinghua University, welcomed Zhao Bing and his delegation and introduced the participation of Tsinghua University students in international exchanges and global development practices. Guo Yong said that Tsinghua University attaches great importance to the cultivation of students’ global competence and strongly supports students to participate in global governance through internships in international organizations. Tsinghua University and the United Nations World Food Program have close cooperation and frequent interactions. Looking forward to the future, it is hoped that the two sides will strengthen exchanges in talent training, cooperative research and youth participation, and promote the cooperative relationship to a new level.

Zhao Bing said that the World Food Programme focuses on important global development issues such as anti-hunger and poverty reduction. In the international context of global challenges such as climate change and regional conflicts, the work of the World Food Programme is particularly needed. He highly appreciated Tsinghua University’s global vision and international responsibility, and looked forward to further strengthening cooperation with Tsinghua University in talent training cooperation and promotion of best practices.

After the meeting, Zhao Bing held a discussion with Tsinghua teachers and students in the Mengminwei Humanities Building. Zhao Bing introduced the goals and vision, project experience and talent needs of the United Nations World Food Program, and combined with his own work experience, encouraged Tsinghua students to actively participate in the actions and affairs of the United Nations and use their professional knowledge to provide innovative solutions for global governance.

After the symposium, Zhao Bing and his party also visited the school history museum.

Relevant persons in charge from the School of Humanities, School of Journalism, Student Career Development Guidance Center, and Tang Zhongying Student Global Development Center attended the event.

The World Food Programme (WFP), founded in 1961 and headquartered in Rome, Italy, is a multilateral food aid agency within the United Nations. It operates in more than 120 countries around the world and provides assistance to 80 million people in about 80 countries each year.